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EDUC X150 Becoming the Best Student

OneSearch Tutorial

OneSearch@IU: A Great Starting Place

OneSearch@IU searches most of the Libraries' databases. It is a great place to start your research.

Direct access at:

Limit Your Results

More databases can be found on the Libraries homepage under the "Research" tab or the "Featured Databases" located at the bottom of the page. 

Citing Sources

Always cite your sources. Follow these Quick Style Guides or the complete style manuals.

Quick Style Guides

Full Style Manuals

Most citation questions can be answered with the quick guides above. For more specific questions, refer to these full manuals, or consult a librarian.

Course and Topic Guides

The library makes and maintains other webpages like this one, which are meant to be starting places for research. These are called research guides. Many research guides are associated with particular courses, and others are about topics of interest, like Brexit and Zines. If a librarian has been to your class, they will often provide a research guide. This guide on Research Essentials is a great place to start. 

Sometimes your research questions are very subject specific, especially in upper-level classes. In these instances, it can be helpful to directly contact a librarian with subject expertise