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A Guide for Music Citation - Chicago/Turabian Style (17th ed)

This guide is largely based on the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. It does not yet incorporate changes in the 18th edition.



1. J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, and Claude V. Palisca, A History of Western Music, 8th ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 2010), 29–31.


Burkholder, J. Peter, Donald Jay Grout, and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. 8th ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010.

  • You do not need to indicate the edition if it is the first edition.



1. Walter Frisch and Kevin C. Karnes, eds., Brahms and his World, rev. ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009), 37.


Frisch, Walter, and Kevin C. Karnes, eds. Brahms and his World. Rev. ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.



1. Samuel Charles Griffiths, The Military Band: How to Form, Train, and Arrange for Reed and Brass Bands (London, 1892; repr., Vienna: Kliment, 2006), 5.


Griffiths, Samuel Charles. The Military Band: How to Form, Train, and Arrange for Reed and Brass Bands. London, 1892. Reprint, Vienna: Kliment, 2006.

  • The city of original publication is not essential, but it is helpful in a case such as this, where the reprint was published in a radically different city.