Regional, national and international business, financial, banking and industry publications.
Provides access to peer-reviewed business journals, covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance, and more. Indexing and abstracts and full text are available back as far as 1886.
Allows users to search across six ProQuest business databases: ABI/INFORM Complete, EconLit, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Business, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal, and The Women's Wear Daily Archive.
Source for major trade and industry news. Includes in-depth coverage of companies, products, executives, trends, and almost 3,000 title in full text.
Users can study and compare specific trades and industries, including telecommunications, computing, transportation, construction, petrochemicals, and many others.
Provides full-text access to national and international newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich websites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, and historical market data.
Includes articles from local, regional, national and international newspapers, magazines, online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs, transcripts, and legal research, as well as federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790. Also includes access to Nexis Dossier.
Comprehensive coverage of news and current events, government, business, medical, and legal topics, as well as general reference information is included. Formats found in Nexis Uni are: international and domestic newspapers, magazines and trade journals, broadcast transcripts (NPR, ABC News, CBS News, and CNN), company financial information, industry and market news, federal and state case law, law reviews, medical news and abstracts, and state and country profiles. Includes business information on over 80 million U.S. and international companies and 75 million executives. Non-English language news sources are available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. Campus news from some 400 college/university papers and over 50 wire services are also available.
To access Nexis Dossier select "Business" (near the bottom of the Nexis Uni homepage). Then select "Create a Company List" in the Company Dossier box.
Access to the most current year of the fashion industry trade journal.
IUB Affiliates: To register for access to the Digital Daily, visit and create a personal account using your or email address. Once activated, you will receive an emailed link to the Digital Daily each day. You can also use the account to access the Digital Daily directly on the WWD website and access the WWD mobile app.
Covers trends and news in men and women's fashion, and beauty and retail industries.
Additional access options:
A comprehensive archive of Women’s Wear Daily, from the first issue in 1910 to material from within the last twelve months, reproduced in high-resolution images.
Searchable, full text of Vogue magazine.
The Vogue Archive is a fully searchable, full content run of the U.S. edition of Vogue magazine from its first issue in 1892 to the present month. It includes every page of each issue (articles, advertising, covers) and high-resolution color images. You may search for advertisements, articles, contributors, covers, fashion shoots, fiction, letters From The Editor, letters to the editor, masthead, poems, cartoons, charts, diagrams, illustrations, infographics, logos, and photographs.