The following information is often not available through third-party research sources. This type of information is guarded closely by company employees.
Financial Information (production and overhead costs, profit margins, budgets, quotas and targets, information on a particular product’s sales)
Research & Development (technical and performance specifications and product plans)
Manufacturing Information (vendor names/relationships, production and inventory levels, material costs, and manufacturing processes)
When researching a company, first determine whether it is public or private, a parent or a subsidiary and whether it is U.S. based or international.
Publicly traded companies are required to file certain financial information with the Government, which makes that data available to the public. | Private companies are not required to disclose financial information and so it is harder to obtain information on these companies. |
A parent can own any number of subsidiaries. Revenue is usually reported at the parent level. | Subsidiaries are owned by other companies and, while they are often operated as a completely separate business, it may be hard to get financial information on a subsidiary. |
Domestic companies are located or headquartered in the U.S. | International companies may operate in various countries, which may affect the kinds, amount and quality of data you can obtain. |
For a quick answer to these questions, try searching Mergent Intellect:
Provides access private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, and the ability to access industry profiles.
Top Databases for Company Information:
Original industry and company reports based on published research and primary and secondary data sources.
MarketLine offers a collection of company, industry, financial, product and country information, research and data extending over all major marketplaces and industries. A searchable online business information service using published desk research and secondary data sources to create three different types of profiles. Company profiles include company overviews, business descriptions, company history, executive listings, product listings, locations, news, and commentary. Industry profiles contain: 5-year historical and 5-year forecast market values and/or volumes; market segmentations; company and/or product market shares; explanatory text identifying major trends and significant growth points; and analysis of each market's competitive landscape, including main players, distribution channels, and regulatory issues. Each country profile includes a description of the country's economic performance and GDP, an assessment of its potential for development, and detailed market and industry analysis of the country's business environment. Profiles are supplemented by a "news & comment" section.
PLEASE NOTE: Mergent Online will be retired June 30, 2025. The replacement product is Mergent Market Atlas. Database of corporate information covering over 22,000 US and foreign public companies.
Access to U.S. Company Data and International Company Data. Allows users to access reports on companies based around the world, searching by company name or ticker symbol, or searching across all global boundaries to find companies that match specific financial and/or textual search criteria. Also includes detailed information, such as history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt, and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form and in native currencies.
Integrates business and financial information from data providers throughout the world.
Includes information on more than 170 million businesses, both public and private, around the world; including the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and emerging markets.