Original industry and company reports based on published research and primary and secondary data sources.
MarketLine offers a collection of company, industry, financial, product and country information, research and data extending over all major marketplaces and industries. A searchable online business information service using published desk research and secondary data sources to create three different types of profiles. Company profiles include company overviews, business descriptions, company history, executive listings, product listings, locations, news, and commentary. Industry profiles contain: 5-year historical and 5-year forecast market values and/or volumes; market segmentations; company and/or product market shares; explanatory text identifying major trends and significant growth points; and analysis of each market's competitive landscape, including main players, distribution channels, and regulatory issues. Each country profile includes a description of the country's economic performance and GDP, an assessment of its potential for development, and detailed market and industry analysis of the country's business environment. Profiles are supplemented by a "news & comment" section.
Please note: Euromonitor allows access to IU faculty, staff, and students only. Authorized users may utilize the information obtained from this resource for academic, non-commercial purposes only, and only during the time of official affiliation with IU. Passport is a global market research database encompassing historical and forecasted statistics, reports & interactive tools on industries, economies and consumers in 210 different countries and territories. Passport also tracks the effects of COVID-19 for 50 different countries
Statistical database featuring economic, social, environmental data since 1960 for countries of the world.
Premiere data source on the global economy. It contains statistical data for over 550 development indicators and time series data from 1960-2000 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Data selection screens are intuitive and easy to use. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. These features plus data export options in standard formats like Excel make WDI Online the most useful tool yet for researching developmental data.
Print and CD-ROM versions of WDI are retained in GIMSS (Government Information, Microforms and Statistical Services), 2nd floor of the IUB Herman B Wells Library, which also subscribes to most World Bank publications.
Bibliographic index covering Mexican-American topics and the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants.
Produced by the Ethnic Studies Library at the University of California, Berkeley, the resource is designed to further research, teaching and scholarship for Chicano studies programs and extended ethnic studies curricula, giving researchers targeted access to materials that explore the broad dimensions of class, race and gender within the Chicano and Latino U.S. experience. (OCLC)
Portions of the Chicano Database are available in print format as: the Chicano Periodical Index, covering 1967-1988; the Chicano Index, covering 1989-1993; Arte Chicano : an Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981; the Chicano Anthology Index; the Chicana Studies Index : Twenty Years of Gender Research, 1981-1991; and Hispanic Mental Health Research : A Reference Guide, covering 1920-1980.
Indexing, full-text and images of Spanish-language magazines and pamphlets.
Spanish thesaurus and interface. Searching in both Spanish and English. Bilingual citations. A collection of Hispanic magazines with full text. Covers business, health, technology, culture, current topics and other subjects. Cubre necesidades de información para todas las disciplinas académicas. Desde economía, ciencia y tecnología, psicología, educación, hasta arqueología, historia, literatura y más. Contiene revistas académicas de toda Iberoamérica.
A searchable database that provides access to the tables of contents of more than 800 humanities and social science journals, published in Latin America.
Participating libraries have accepted institutional collecting responsibilities for a cross-section of over 500 journals published in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. The collecting responsibilities include acquiring each issue of the journal and making available through rapid delivery interlibrary loan, articles found in the journal.
indexes articles from scholarly journals on Latin America, the United States-Mexico border region and Hispanics in the United States.
Indexes articles that appear in more than 400 scholarly journals published throughout the world which regularly contain information on Latin America. The coverage includes materials written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Multidisciplinary index to research and publications by Africans and about Africa.
Africa-Wide Information is an index covering material on Africa from the 19th century to the present, including: African studies abstracts (1994- ), Africa Institute (1981- ), Southern African database (1961- ), School of Oriental and African Studies Library catalogue: Africa (1989- ), NAMLIT (19th century- ), Don Africana collection (16th century- ) Campbell collections of the University of Natal, Killie Campbell Africana Library (19th century- ), Business & industry: Africa (1994- ), Natural and cultural history Africa (1960- ), African periodicals exhibit catalogue (1997), Bibliography on contemporary African politics and development (1981-1992), International library of African music, Database of Swiss theses and dissertations (1897-1996) ; Index to South African periodicals (1987-present), the South African national bibliography (1988-present), National English Literary Museum (1990-present, retrospective to the 19th cent.), Knipkat from the Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkunde Museum en Navorsingsentrum, Witwatersrand University Management Research Reports (1970-present), The Centre for Rural Legal Studies Database (1987 and earlier to present), South African Legal Abbreviations, and others.
For more resources, see the IU Libraries East Asian Studies page. They also have resources broken down by Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, and Korean Studies.
For India, see the South Asian Studies page.
For Pakistan and Uzbekistan, see the IU Libraries Resources Central Eurasian Studies page.
Western-language bibliographical database for research on East, Southeast and South Asia. Published by the Association for Asian Studies, it covers all subjects with special focus on the humanities and social sciences.
Includes over 900,000 citations, dating primarily from 1971 onwards, with more than 400,000 citations since 1992. All entries are searchable by author, title, year of publication, place of publication, language of publication, journal title, country, subject, keyword, ISSN and ISBN. Includes the full content of the printed volumes of the annual Bibliography of Asian Studies dating back to 1971.
Provides access to hundreds of Chinese periodicals related to literature, history, philosophy, economics, political science, and law.
The largest comprehensive online full-text database in China. In addition to the purchase of the 1994-2001 back files of the Literature/History/Philosophy Series, the IUB Library has current subscriptions to the following modules: (F) Literature/History/Philosophy Series, (G) Politics/Military Affairs/Law, (H) Education & Social Sciences, and (J) Economics & Management.
Databases include monthly and annual macro-economy, monthly economic development, city statistics, county statistics, and industrial data.
The University of Michigan's China Data Center provides access in Chinese and English to official statistics from China. Historical statistics, data for cities and counties, and macro-economic and industrial statistics are included.
Comprehensive database Web site focusing on economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city level, and financial indicators of more than 568 industrial branches. Also includes statistical yearbooks, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China. IU Bloomington's subscription to this database does not include detailed census files for population or economic censuses, or collections such as a specialized Tibetan database. (IUCAT)
Consists of fully searchable and browseable databases including English-Japanese and Japanese-English encyclopedias and dictionaries, and Toyo Bunko collection.
JapanKnowledge Lib is the largest and most resourceful site about Japan. It provides access to various reference sources, including Encyclopedia Nipponica and Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, It also contains full-text of books in the Toyo Bunko collection, recent issues of the Economist Japanese edition, NNA world news, collection of video clips, maps, and many other useful links. IU's subscription of the JapanKnowledge+ database includes the following databases as well: Jitsu 字通, Nihon kokugo daijiten 日本国語大辞典, and Nihon rekishi chimei taikei 日本歴史大系.
Scholarly multi-disciplinary full-text database, including 1,900 scholarly journals published by 631 academic societies and research centers.
Full-text database of scholarly journals published by major Korean academic societies and research institutes. It includes over 1.7 million articles from 1,900 journals from 1918 onwards.
Searchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from South Asia featuring titles from India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka presented in original page images.
Fully searchable historical newspapers from South Asia; part of the World Newspaper Archive, created in partnership with the Center for Research Libraries. Features English-, Gujarati- and Bengali-language papers published in India, in the regions of the Subcontinent that now comprise Pakistan, and in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Titles include such key publications as: Amrita Bazar Patrika (Calcutta), Bankura Darpana (Bankura, India), Madras Mail (Madras), Tribune (Lahore, Pakistan) and the Ceylon Observer (Sri Lanka).