Indiana University Bloomington’s Evidence Synthesis Service:
The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries provides Evidence Synthesis support to current IU Bloomington students, researchers, faculty, and staff. Evidence Synthesis includes methods such as systematic reviews, scoping reviews, mapping reviews, rapid reviews, and other systematic approaches to literature searching. Librarians have expertise in creating complex searches, data management, writing the methodology section, and more.
Systematic reviews with librarian co-authors have higher reproducibility, higher quality search strategies, improved documentation reporting, and better meet reporting standards (Rethlefsen et al, 2015).
Librarians can work with you on your systematic review or your evidence-based synthesis as consultant, a facilitator, or a co-author:
Roles of Librarians
As a consultant, the librarian will:
This option is limited to approximately four hours of librarian time, or between two and three meetings.
As a facilitator, the librarian will:
This option requires acknowledgement in your final manuscript. This option allows for more granular guidance from our search experts, but not to exceed approximately 8 hours of work.
As a co-author, the librarian takes on the full responsibility of authorship, including reviewing the final manuscript, and will additionally:
Due to the large time commitment necessary for co-authorship, librarians at IUB have limited capacity for this level of involvement. We also require co-authors read and agree to our MOU. Please contact us if you are interested in pursuing a co-authorship model.
Interested in pursuing a systematic review or evidence synthesis project? Fill out this form.
Please be advised that due to staff availability, the number of requests, and the large time commitment required, there may be a delay before a librarian is ready to start working on your project.
[Consultant, Facilitator, & Co-author information from Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Systematic Reviews and other Evidence Syntheses]