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Library Research Help - Patricia

IUCAT Search Tips

Quick Tips

  • Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.
  • Use "+" before a term to make it required. (Otherwise results matching only some of your terms may be included).
  • Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude.
  • Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" to create complex boolean logic.
  • Truncation and wildcards are not supported - word-stemming is done automatically.
  • Access more help at the KB

Simple Search
From the main search page search by Keyword, or limit your search to Title, Author, or Subject. 

Advanced Search 
Choose for more search options. 


Results Page
After entering your search term(s) you will probably get many results. Look at the categories listed on the left side of the page. They can help you narrow your search if needed. ​


Brief vs Full IUCAT Record

From the search results page you see the brief records for each item. 
For the full record, click on the title.


The full record has more information and options.

Locate Books

Step 1: Identify the correct IU Library:

  • IUCAT includes items from ALL IU Libraries (not just IUB).
  • To find the IU library for an item, look in your search results for "Copies at:" 
  • To limit your results to records from a single library, click on "Campus" (bottom left of the search results page).
    Choose the relevant campus (e.g., Bloomington). 

  • Most items not on the Bloomington campus Libraries can be requested. (From the IUCAT catalog record page, click the button  .

Step 2: Identify the item's library location: 

  • Each catalog record has a call number that indicates its location within the given library.

MLA International Bibliography & LLBA