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EVIA Digital Archive
  • Resource available to authorized IU Bloomington users (on or off campus)
EVIA Digital Archive
  • Resource available to authorized IU Bloomington users (on or off campus)

Permitted Uses:
Interlibrary Loan: Not Permitted
Terms of Use: Terms of Use
Simultaneous User Limit:
Unlimited simultaneous users


The EVIA Digital Archive (EVIADA) Project is a collaborative effort to establish a repository of ethnographic video recordings and an infrastructure of tools and systems supporting scholars in the ethnographic disciplines.

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With a special focus on the fields of ethnomusicology, folklore, anthropology, and dance ethnology, EVIADA consists of a set of tools and systems for use by scholars and instructors as well as librarians and archivists designed to preserve ethnographic field video created by scholars as part of their research. EVIADA also makes the field videos available online in conjunction with rich, descriptive annotations, creating a unique resource for scholars, instructors, and students. The licensing terms of this resource require all users to create an individual account. To request an account, please register here. Account activation will be automatic as long an individual creates his/her account from an on-campus computer.
