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AST A452 Extragalactic Astrophysics

Guide for Research Paper portion of A-452

Long-Term Writing Assignment

For this project, you will (in consultation with me) choose a topic in extragalactic astrophysics that interests you.  You will then independently research your chosen topic, and write a paper presenting what you have learned from your research. The paper should be a minimum of 6 double-spaced pages in length.  Throughout the text of the paper, you must properly cite the sources you used for your research.  You should also include a complete listing of your references at the end of the paper.   Please see me well in advance if you need instructions about how to properly cite your references!

Milestones/Due Dates:
Choose a term paper topic, in consultation with me (via email, Canvas messages, or Zoom) by Tuesday, Nov 15th at 7:00 pm.
Turn in a detailed (~1 page) outline + list of at least 4 sources you plan to use (I will give you
feedback/suggestions on your outline) No later than Tuesday, Nov. 29, 11:59 pm, 2022.
Hand in the final version of the paper Friday, Dec 9, 2022 by 11:59 pm.

Full-Text Journals

If you have a run-in with a paper that is asking you to pay, take down the journal name, volume, and article title and take a look in Serials Solutions. It is linked from the main library page or right here - Online Full-Text Journals. You can find electronic copies of most of the journals IU subscribes to by journal title.

Links to the ADS, Samples of IU Library e-Books, Popular Journals, and Peer-Reviewed Journals

Popular Astronomy and Science Magazines / Peer-reviewed astronomy journals

The following are higher level, refereed scholarly journals in astronomy and astrophysics.  Use the link to ADS (Astrophysics Data System) above to find articles, particularly in the following, well-known peer-reviewed titles.  The libraries subscribe to all of these, so you should have no trouble getting to full-text.  Google Scholar may also be useful as you carry out a literature review on your topic.  Contact the library if you're having trouble connecting off campus.

The Astronomical Journal

The Astrophysical Journal

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics

Image result for extragalactic astronomy