The A&AePortal is an authoritative eBook resource that features important works of scholarship in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, material culture, photography, and design.
Also provides access to images that accompany scholarly texts.
Access to the full-text collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters, and books. Includes access to the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a bibliographic database to computing literature worldwide.
Registered users (click "register" at the top of the page) can create personal binders or sign up for email notifications of table-of-contents for specific ACM titles.
Contains biographical information on more than one million artists. Each article contains information on the artist's creative work, historical significance, details of exhibitions, and bibliographies.
Covers classical languages and literatures, ancient authors, Greek and Latin. Includes brief abstracts of articles.
Specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique. The bibliography is published in print and online. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume I published in 1928.
Full text issues of the Architectural Digest, 1922-2011.
Covers the history of design, and provides a look at culture, art, unique homes and international design concepts through the years. It also features the AD100, the Architectural Digest list of top 100 architects and interior designers worldwide.
Provides access to online findings aids, detailed collection guides or inventories describing where to find an archival collection, how it's arranged, and what it contains.
ArchiveGrid is a collection of archival material descriptions, including MARC records from WorldCat and finding aids harvested from the web. It's supported by OCLC Research as the basis for experimentation and testing in text mining, data analysis, and discovery system applications and interfaces. Archival collections held by thousands of libraries, museums, historical societies, and archives are represented in ArchiveGrid.
Portal for accessing descriptions of archival and special collections held by libraries, archives and other cultural heritage units at Indiana University or affiliated with Indiana University.
Full-text archive of magazines comprising research material in the fields of art and architecture, dating from the late-nineteenth century to the twenty-first. Access is for Art & Architecture Archive Collection 1 and 2.
Subjects covered include fine art, decorative arts, architecture, interior design, industrial design, and photography. Includes full-color page images.
Art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as areas of architecture and architectural design.
Features full-text articles as well as detailed indexing and abstracts for an array of journals, books, podcasts and more. Also includes periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch. Designed for use by art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers. Supersedes Art Full Text and includes all the material available from that database.
500 hours of documentaries and interviews illustrating the theory and practice of a variety of art forms and providing the context necessary for critical analysis.
Covers Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Modern, and Contemporary art. Also includes video on applied topics such as architectural and graphic design.
Specialist bibliography of modern and contemporary art from 1974 to the present.
Includes abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and exhibition reviews. Also incorporates book records, including those drawn from the collections of the Tate Library and the Bibliothèque Dominique Bozo, Musée LAM. Covers performance art and installation works, photography, video art, computer and electronic art, body art, graffiti, artist's books, theatre arts, conservation, crafts, ceramic and glass art, ethnic arts, graphic and museum design, fashion, and calligraphy, as well as traditional media including illustration, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and drawing.
Art History Research net (formerly Arts: Search) is a resource focused on the study of the history of 19th and 20th century art and design.
Among the topics covered are: Advertising, Architecture, Book Design, Calligraphy, Ceramics, Fashion, Furniture Design, Glass Art and Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Jewelry, Metalsmithing, Packaging, Photography, Poster Design, Textile Design, Theatre Design, and Typography.
Art History Research net consists of four databases:
Review - Provides full text of a range of 19th and early 20th century art journals
Arts + Architecture ProFiles - Includes biographical data on over 40,000 artists, architects, craftspeople and designers
Design Abstracts Retrospective - Contains abstracts of architecture and design journals published between 1900-1986
Research Sources: 1. The Poster - Contains extensive information on poster design
Research Sources: 2. British & Irish Decorative and Applied Arts and Architecture, 1860 - 1930
Citations and abstracts for articles on all aspects of art and architecture published in over 420 international periodicals between 1929 and August 1984.
A record of 55 years of contemporary art history published in English-language sources, with others in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. In addition to periodicals, the database includes important yearbooks and select museum bulletins. Subjects Covered: Advertising Art, Antiques, Archaeology, Architecture and Architectural History, Art History, Crafts, Decorative Arts, Folk Art, Graphic Arts, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Motion Pictures, Museology, Non-Western Art, Painting, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Television, Textiles.
Search citations from arts and humanities journals published from 1975 to the present.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It fully covers 1,160 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals. A special feature is cited reference searching, which allows the researcher to search citation data (the footnotes to individual articles), taking a known paper and finding others which cite it or finding all papers citing work by a specific author.
This index is included in the Web of Science and covers from 1975 to the present.
Digital image library of over 2.5 million digital images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. To save or download images, users must register for an individual account.
Users who create an account also gain access to a set of tools for sharing images, curating groups of images, downloading them directly into PowerPoint presentations, and comparing and contrasting images.
An artist directory with millions of paintings and art, artwork prices, valuations, signatures, images and artist biographies.
Database of information about artists, including names, birth and death dates, state or local affiliation, fields in which artist worked, book and periodical references to artist, dealers and museums where works may be viewed, auction prices of works, some biographical details, etc. Aims at being an unbiased source of information about the commercial value of each artist's work through a comprehensive system of comparables.
Published by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University, this database indexes journal articles on architecture and design, covering subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design.
Coverage includes international scholarly and popular literature as well as publications of professional associations, state and regional periodicals, and major serial publications on architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia.
BHA and RILA cover European and American visual arts material including articles from over 1,200 journals. These citation databases, searchable together, cover material published between 1975 and 2007.
RILA covers the years 1975–1989. It was produced at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, and Michael Rinehart was the editor-in-chief. In 1982, Getty began to support RILA, and in 1990 the Getty began to collaborate with INIST-CNRS to produce the BHA, which was a merger of RILA and the Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie.
Resource for the study of architecture, urbanism, and interior design.
Bloomsbury Architecture Library consists of two separate collections: the Core Collection and Architecture Design & Practice Online.
The Bloomsbury Architecture Library Core Collection offers a collection of resources to exploring 5,500 years of the world’s architecture through Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture 21st edition. Browse through an interactive visual timeline of global architectural history; study in-depth buildings pages; or undertake research through Bloomsbury’s library of architecture ebooks.
the Architecture Design & Practice Online collection includes over 200 titles focusing on studio design and professional practice. This fully cross-searchable resource includes introductory texts for students as well as guides for professional architects. It consists of in-depth design guidance and technical detail, up-to-date peer-reviewed content, a wealth of case studies and technical drawings, and over 15,000 images.
Online digital library of images sourced from over 8,000 locations covering the world’s major museums, art collections, and historical sites. Includes access to over 3 million images, all copyright-cleared for educational use.
Resource for materials related to the sustainable building movement. Includes information to help building-industry professionals design and build construction projects that minimize ecological impact and maximize economic performance. Also includes access to reports, articles, lists for GreenSpec products and specification guidelines, and detailed project case studies of high-performance buildings. Please note: IUB users may create accounts with their email. Click more info for instructions.
First time users may create an individual account to access additional features.
Resource for the study and practice of architectural design, based on Birkhäuser's professional architecture books. Includes a large international collection of contemporary buildings, from housing and offices to museums, schools and other building types.
There is a focus on floor plans and other architectural drawings. A large part of the drawings are vector-based.
The online version of the classic guide to documentary style. Access is for the 16th and 17th editions.
Includes the complete, fully searchable text of the traditional print version of The Chicago Manual of Style. Also includes access to the Chicago Style Q&A, which is another fully searchable resource of questions and answers, and the Tools, which provides examples of forms, letters, and style sheets.
International index to design and craft journals; contains references to 500+ journals published since 1973 and data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, etc.
DAAI, an international index to design and craft journals, contains references from more than 500 design and craft journals published since 1973 as well as data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms etc. Coverage includes all areas of design and crafts. DAAI contains four supplementary databases: an education directory of universities and colleges which offer courses in design and craft subjects; an organizations directory of design and craft organizations, societies, associations, and centers; an archives directory of design and craft archives and special collections; and a periodicals directory of design and craft journals.
Comprehensive index from the Frick Art Reference Library of The Frick Collection, covering nearly 300 national and international art history periodicals.
Journals covered in this index were published in a broad selection of languages that include English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, and Scandinavian. Articles selected for indexing from these periodicals focus on art history and works of art. Originally produced on catalog cards, the index features access points important for research, including artists, artworks, private and public collections, exhibitions, and reproductions.
A searchable collection of images ranging from photographs and maps to illustrations and etchings.
The Image Collection contains over 100,000 images and consists of a wide range of photos and maps, with an emphasis on world news and events. Other areas include contemporary and historical photos of people, places and the natural kingdom.
Bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world.
Index Islamicus is the primary index to literature on Islam, the Middle East and Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, and Muslim minorities elsewhere. It includes citations to over 2,000 journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and book reviews from 1906 to present.
Index to over 45,000 works of Medieval art from early Christian period to A.D. 1400.
Based on The index of Christian art, a thematic and iconographic index of early Christian and medieval art objects begun at Princeton University in 1917, the index catalogs primarily Christian art from early apostolic times to approximately 1400 A.D. While coverage is predominantly of Christian iconography, Jewish, Islamic, and non-ecclesiastical subjects are also covered. The database contains a portion of the index's backfiles as well as all works cataloged since 1991. Entries include descriptive information, provenance, location and ownership information, bibliographical references, and, when available, a photographic reproduction of the work of art.
Indexes the complete contents of 42 American art journals published between 1840 and 1907, including articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems, and advertisements
Indexes 42 art journals published in the U.S. during the 19th century, (1840-1907) providing nearly complete coverage of journals from this period. The index describes the entire journal contents: articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems, and advertisements; and offers information on popular culture and industry, artists and illustrators, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, architecture and design, exhibitions and sales, decorations, and collecting. The file includes 27,000 records.
Scholarly literature for European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art since 1945.
The International Bibliography of Art (IBA) is a resource for scholarly literature on western art. IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), and includes the most recent index records that were created by the Getty Research Institute as part of BHA. These records were created in 2008-2009, and cover scholarship up to 2009, including retrospective records for material published in previous years.
ProQuest uses the Getty Research Institute’s own thesaurus and authority files. The bibliography provides authoritative coverage of international scholarship within the following broad parameters: European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, global art since 1945, visual arts in all media, plus decorative and applied arts, museum studies and conservation, archaeology and classical studies, antiques and architectural history, and related fields. Contains scholarship from at least 500 core journals, and includes detailed coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues. Includes international coverage, with at least 60% of records from non-English-language publications (principally German, French, Italian and Spanish).
The IMB indexes articles in journals, conference proceedings, collections of essays and Festschriften. Indexing includes materials worldwide in a variety of languages.
The International Medieval Bibliography covers of the European Middle Ages, including the Middle East and North Africa, in the period 400-1500. Items in the bibliography are taken from some 4500 periodicals and 5000 miscellany volume (conference proceedings, essay collections, Festschriften and exhibition catalogues). Entries include full bibliographical details and subject classifications.
Provides searchable full-text of historical runs of important scholarly journals in the humanities, arts, sciences, ecology, and business.
JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization established with the assistance of The Mellon Foundation, provides complete runs of hundreds of important journal titles in more than 30 arts, humanities, and social science disciplines. These scholarly journals can be browsed online and searched, and the page images can be printed for those available in full-text. The IUB Libraries subscribe to current content for only some titles available through JSTOR. Includes access to the following collections: Arts & Sciences, Business, Hebrew Journals, Ireland Collection, Lives of Literature, Public Health Collection, Security Studies Collection, Sustainability Collection.
All journals in JSTOR start with the first volume. Many include content up to a "moving wall" of 3-5 years ago, although some journals have a fixed ending date for their content in JSTOR. Please check individual journals for exact dates of coverage.
For information about access to this resource for IU alumni, contact the Indiana University Alumni Association.
A unique and comprehensive resource comprised of more than 10,000 materials innovations across 7,000+ global manufacturers. Users can register for individual accounts with their IU email in order to save their work, and view detailed product information.
Includes high-quality photographs, and company/vendor contact information. Users can search materials by keyword, material type, manufacturer name, and manufacturer location. The eight material processes include: polymers; cement-based materials; glass; metals; ceramics; natural materials; carbon-based materials; processes.
Online audiovisual archive of architecture, founded in 2012 by Chilean architects Felipe De Ferrari and Diego Grass along with psychologist Claudio Mesa. Please note: to access, select the “On Architecture” link on the EBSCO page.
Includes more than 150 interviews and more than 250 portraits of buildings.
Encyclopedia articles about artists, architects, and artistic movements & periods, as well as bibliographies for further research. Also includes thousands of searchable images.
Provides access to Oxford’s art reference works, including the Grove Art Online, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and the Oxford Companion to Western Art.
An extensive bibliography compiled by scholars and experts in African Studies and related fields.
The birth of independent African nations, the rise of the Civil Rights movement and African American Studies in the U.S., and the end of the Cold War all prompted the emergence of African Studies as an important area of inquiry in Africa, Europe, and North America. Founded as Africa was emerging from centuries of the slave trade and foreign domination, the field has sought to displace racist foreign notions to explore African perspectives on art, culture, economics, geography and the environment, ancient and modern history, literature, music, politics, religion, science and thought, and society.
Over more than half a century, the field has emerged as a diverse multidisciplinary effort that spans multiple epistemologies and methodologies, making it challenging for students and scholars to be informed about every applicable area. And given the diversity of African environments and peoples it is difficult to appreciate both its broad similarities and complex specificities. We have thus combined broad introductions to such subjects as African society, politics, or literature with specific studies of individual peoples, states, or literary traditions to enable the user to appreciate Africans’ distinctiveness as well as their diversity.
Since the literature on African Studies is diverse, fast moving, controversial, and scattered among unfamiliar sources, we have asked leading scholars to identify the most significant themes and areas of study in their fields, recommend the best sources for exploring them, and discuss these works conceptual and empirical significance to provide a series of guided studies through the diverse approaches to a wide array of complex subjects. A great deal of this work has moved online with the most recent scholarship, research, and statistics appearing in online databases. With advances in online searching and database technologies, researchers and practitioners can easily access library catalogs, bibliographic indexes, and other lists that show thousands of resources that might also be useful to them. In this situation what is most needed is expert guidance. Researchers and practitioners at all levels need tools that help them filter through the proliferation of information sources to material that is reliable and directly relevant to their inquiries. Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies offers a trustworthy pathway through the thicket of information overload.
Provides access to articles, research guides, and annotations in the field of art history.
An extensive bibliography compiled by scholars and experts covering the period of the Renaissance and Reformation, which spans roughly from the 14th through 17th centuries.
Provides full text access and indexing for e-journals and e-books from a variety of scholarly publishers. Covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others.
Comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, including millions of works from thousands of universities. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637.
Includes the following:
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A & I
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: CIC Institutions
Online platform for the global new media art community supporting the creation, presentation and discussion of contemporary art that uses new technologies.
Only existing online union catalog of auction catalogs; describes art and rare book catalogs from North American and European auction houses and important private sales.
Art auction and rare book catalogs for sales from the late sixteenth century to scheduled auctions not yet held. Records include the dates and places of sales, the auction houses, sellers, institutional holdings, and titles of works. SCIPIO is updated daily.
Textile Hive provides digital access to the Andrea Aranow Textile Design Collection, comprised of over 40,000 textiles spanning fifty countries. Users need to create an individual login to access.
Provides fulltext access to a hard-to-find comics, from the pre-Comics Code era to the present. Also includes materials about comics--interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism--from The Comics Journal and other secondary sources. Includes access to Volumes 1 through 3.
Covers pre-Comics Code era horror, crime, romance, and war comics that fueled the backlash leading to one of the largest censorship campaigns in US history. Selections include works by visionaries such as Alex Toth, Boody Rogers, Fletcher Hanks, Steve Ditko, Joe Kubert, Bill Everett, Joe Simon, and Jack Kirby, along with essential series such as Crime Does Not Pay and Mister Mystery, and many others both famous and infamous. Also includes modern material from artists such as Basil Wolverton and Harvey Kurtzman, R. Crumb, Gilbert Shelton, Harvey Pekar, Spain Rodriguez, and Vaughn Bode, and modern masters including Peter Bagge, Kim Deitch, Dave Sim, Dan Clowes, and Los Bros. Examines trends and developments particular to the current state of comics in North America — digital creation tools, innovative shifts in art and narratives, and the rise of independent publishing houses and diverse voices. It also provides in-depth coverage of the history and creators of some of the most popular comics and graphic novels ever created.
Thousands of libraries may be searched from this one catalog; Interlibrary Loan requests can also be made.
WorldCat is OCLC's Online Union Catalog. It is the world's most comprehensive bibliography, with more than 33 million bibliographic records from libraries around the world. Use WorldCat to do a comprehensive search of published material, to verify citations, or to identify other libraries that own an item.