Greetings I524 students!
We are excited to work with you this semester. Please consult this guide throughout your course to find useful research tools. We are also available to you for one-on-one consultations, both in-person or virtual. You are also always welcome to send an email to our main Reference Desk staff or live chat with a librarian.
Provides full-text coverage of magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles for most academic disciplines.
This multi-disciplinary database provides full-text for more than 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,700 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
A comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs, offering fulltext of working papers from research organizations, abstracts of foreign policy journal articles, etc.
CIAO provides the full texts of working papers from research organizations such as the Cato Institute, the Center for Studies of Social Change, the Brookings Institution, the University of California Center for German and European Studies, the Oxford University Centre for International Studies. An interactive feature allows colleagues to offer comments. CIAO also includes abstracts of articles from foreign policy journals; conference proceedings; some full-text online books from Columbia University Press; links to other related sites; and a weekly calendar of meetings, conferences, seminars and research projects.
Full text discussions of current, controversial public policy issues in a variety of areas.
Articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and short "sidebar" features round out the reports. Shorter "Hot Topics" articles provide a solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.
Global Health is a bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice. The resource covers literature on developing countries, sociological aspects, and a wide range of biomedical topics, with an international reach.
Indexes foreign language journals, books, research reports, patents and standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, annual reports, public health, developing country information, and other difficult to obtain material. The resource covers biomedical life sciences, public health, health promotion, public health emergencies, epidemiology and biostatistics, environmental and occupational health, nutrition and food sciences, infectious diseases and parasitology, tropical and international health, and health systems.
Global Health brings together the resources of two internationally renowned databases - the Public Health and Tropical Medicine (PHTM) database, previously produced by the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases (BHTD), and the human health and diseases information extracted from CAB ABSTRACTS.
U.S. Federal Government website, mandated by law, to assure secure access to information produced by federal agencies. Formerly FDSYS (Federal Digital System), and prior to that, GPOACCESS.
A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office, govinfo provides free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the Federal Government. The information provided on this site is the official, published version and the information retrieved can be used without restriction, unless specifically noted. This free service is funded by the Federal Depository Library Program and has grown out of Public Law 103-40, known as the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Enhancement Act of 1993.
IUB has served as a U.S. Federal Depository Library since 1881. Most of the resources available have historically been available in print. Consult reference staff in East Tower 2, Wells Library (Government Information, Maps and Microform Services).
Collection of American Civil Liberties Union documents focusing on civil rights, civil liberties, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The files cover numerous topics, including: the first “Red Scare” following the Russian Revolution of 1917; debates in the 1920s on immigration; the American Birth Control League; lynchings in the 1930s; debates on aliens and immigrants in the years immediately preceding the U.S. entry into the Second World War; and the ACLU’s involvement in two of the mid-century’s most important issues: the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement.
Materials on early economics, commerce, trade, transportation, industry, manufacturing, political systems and social history. Includes access to parts 1 through 4.
Digital facsimiles of literature on economics and business published from the last half of the 15th century to the mid-19th century. The collection documents the dynamics of Western trade and wealth. Includes facsimiles of rare books and primary source materials such as political pamphlets and broadsides, government publications, proclamations, and a wide range of ephemera.
Federal web site providing access to statistical information related to vital events: births, deaths, marriages, divorces and related public health materials.
The National Vital Statistics System is the oldest and most successful example of inter-governmental data sharing in Public Health and the shared relationships, standards, and procedures form the mechanism by which NCHS collects and disseminates the Nation's official vital statistics. Through the National Vital Statistics System, data on vital events are now published in electronic form: Vital Statistics of the United States, National Vital Statistics Reports (formerly the Monthly Vital Statistics Report), and other selected reports.
For historical or related information, contact the staff in Government Information, Maps and Microform Services, 250B Wells Library, 812-855-6924,
Full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes newspapers, newswires and news magazines, as well as television and radio news transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Provides selected full text for 25 national (U.S.) including the Bloomington Herald Times, and international newspapers. The database also contains full text television & radio news transcripts, and selected full text for more than 200 regional (U.S.) newspapers. Includes cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for articles in the following major newspapers beginning in January 1, 1995:
Coverage includes everything except obituaries (exclusive of famous people), sports tables, ads/classifieds, stock prices, and weather.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) indexes articles, books, studies, selected official documents and other resources on public policy issues, public administration, law, politics and government.
Includes journal articles, books, government documents, pamphlets and the reports of public and private bodies. Also indexes publications in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Print source: PAIS bulletin (1915-1990), PAIS Foreign Language Index (1968-1990), PAIS International in Print (1991-)
ProQuest Congressional provides indexing and full-text access to various publications of the U.S. Congress. It provides easy search access to congressional publications and includes full-text of reports, bills and resolutions, and laws.
Use Advanced Search to select specific series included:
-Congressional Research Digital Collection
-Congressional Hearings Digital Collection
-House and Senate Unpublished Digital Collection
-ProQuest Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection
-ProQuest Congressional Serial Set Maps Digital Collection
-ProQuest Statutes at Large
-ProQuest U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection
-Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations
-U.S Bills and Resolutions
Most publications are owned by IUB, either in print, on microfiche or electronically. IUB has been a Federal Depository Library since 1881. For specific assistance or to ask questions about using congressional publications, contact Government Information, Maps and Microform Services, located on the 2nd floor of the Herman B Wells Library. Email or telephone 812-855-6924
Access to primary and secondary materials covering conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. Covers themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats.
Includes video and printed materials (personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). Events covered include: Iran (1940s to the Present), 1960 U-2 Incident, World War II and Intelligence, Cold War: The Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1961-1962, and more.
Access to primary source information and statistical data related to the immigration policies of the United States. Includes public laws and hearings, Legislative branch reports, Executive branch reports, data, and present day and historical news articles. Also includes timelines, contextual topic pages for laws, concepts, and events, and rekeyed statistical content that allows researchers to work with the data.
Online access to over 500,000 pages of previously classified government documents.
Declassified Documents Reference Service provides searching and fulltext access to declassified U.S. government documents. Covering major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and beyond, this single source enables users to locate key information underpinning studies in international relations, American studies, United States foreign and domestic policy studies, journalism and more.
Primary bibliographic database of the United Nations, established in 1979. Indexes UN documents and publications and non-UN publications in the Dag Hammarskjold Library.
United Nations Digital Library is the primary bibliographic database of the United Nations. It was established in 1979 and offers access to the documentary output of the United Nations and to non-UN publications acquired by the Dag Hammarskjold Library in New York or the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva.
The language of the file is English. United Nations Digital Library includes links to the full text of a rapidly growing number of documents in the six official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). Records for current General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council documents are being linked directly to the UN Official Document System (ODS). Password for the ODS is not needed to use this United Nations Digital Library facility. For older documents available in ODS, consult with reference staff in GIMSS (2nd Floor of the IUB Main Library).
United Nations Digital Library is comprised of Bibliographic files, the Index to Speeches file, Voting Records, Full Text Resolutions, Document Series Symbol, UNBIS Thesaurus, and Name Authorities.
Indiana University-Bloomington serves as a depository for UN documents and holds most documents produced and distributed by the UN. For additional assistance contact the Government Information, Microforms and Statistical Services Department.
Database providing electronic access to historical as well as current indexes to documents products by government agencies.
1) Indexes to the GPO Monthly Catalog 1895-1976 including page or entry numbers.
(2) GPO shelflist records 1789-1976, including SuDocs numbers.
(3) Indexes to various pre-1895 public documents catalogs including:
(a) Poore's Descriptive Catalog of the Government Publications
of the United States 1774-1881. (Z1223.A 1885)(b) Hickcox's Monthly Catalog of United States Government
Publications 1885-1894. (Z1223.Z7U523)--forthcoming
(c) Ames' Comprehensive Index to the Publications of the
United States Government 1881-1893. (Z1223.A 1905)
Reference encyclopedia profiling international non-governmental (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) except for-profit enterprises.
Published since 1910, it contains entries on over 64,000 civil society organizations in 300 countries and territories, from formal structures to informal networks. Search by geography, subject, or personal name. The database links to websites of many organizations, and includes a GOOGLE IGO search engine for the web sites of international governmental organizations.