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GIMMS Toolkit: Environmental Sustainability

Comprehensive list of environmental sustainability research resources available from the Government Information, Maps & Microform Services (GIMMS) department at Indiana University Bloomington Libraries


Welcome to GIMMS

Government Information, Maps & Microform Services (GIMMS) is located on the second floor of Herman B Wells Library on the Indiana University Bloomington campus.  Included in GIMMS are local, state, and federal government information and data resources, the largest map collection in Indiana, GIS services, and microform services.

This guide brings together a comprehensive list of GIMMS resources regarding environmental sustainability.

For further information, or to request a consultation or IU Libraries instruction session, please contact us at



Government Information & Data Resources

Federal Government Resources


Bloomington & Monroe County Government Resources


Maps & GIS Resources

Map Resources

Most of the maps of Indiana are discoverable in IUCAT. See How to Search for Maps for more tips of finding relevant materials.  This list also includes digitized maps available online, as well as online databases of spatial data.

Microform Services

Why microforms?

Many of our materials are available on microform, sometimes only so.  Do not be afraid!  GIMMS equipment views and scans microfilm, microfiche, and microopaques. Images can be scanned in PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and BMP formats and saved to CD, flash drive, or any Internet file storage service. Scans can also be printed like any other document.


