- Working in your group, use your time to search for possible resources. Use any of the tools we have talked about in class, including article databases, data sources, and books from IUCAT.
- Use your own keywords, as well as the suggested keywords listed below on this page.
- Find a few (I suggest at least three) sources that you might use for the seven-week group project, in which you are assigned to prototype ideas to solve the design challenge:
“The Walter Center has adopted ten 'career readiness competencies' as a model to help students understand how their education prepares them for life and careers after IU. How might the Walter Center facilitate the integration of these competencies into the fabric of Eskenazi School students’ experiences?”
- Once you find your first source, someone from your group should fill out the following Google Form explaining why how you used evaluation criteria to review the source. NOTE: You must be logged into Google with your IU email address!
- Submit the form; a copy of your response will be emailed to you. Keep these emails so you can consult these sources in the future when you work on your project.
- Continue to find more sources, and submit them through the Google Form.