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A Guide for Music Citation - Chicago/Turabian Style (17th ed)

This guide is largely based on the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. It does not yet incorporate changes in the 18th edition.

Citing M3s, Collected Editions of Composers

Follow the citation convention for citing multivolume works with authors and/or editors.Chicago Manual, section 14.122
Though not appearing here, insert a hanging indent on every line after the first line.

Bibliography order of elements: Composer Last, Name First Name. Title of Score Volume. Edited by First Name Last Name. Vol. (#) of Title of Series, edited by First Name Last Name. City: Publisher, Year.

Note: here, "title of series" refers to the title of the collected edition. If your volume is part of a subseries (meaning, the title page indicates that the volume is part of a series), then you do need to indicate the series number; see example below)

Bibliography example: Verdi, Giuseppe. Il Trovatore. Libretto by Salvadore Cammarano. Edited by David Lawton. Series 1, vol. 18a., Works of Giuseppe Verdi, edited by Philip Gossett. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Footnote example: ​Johann Hermann Schein, Cantional oder Gesangbuch Augsburgischer Konfession 1627/1645 Teil 1, ed. Adam Adrio, vol. 2 of Johann Hermann Schein neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke, ed. Adam Adrio (Kassel: Barenreiter, 1965).

Follow the citation convention for citing multivolume works with authors and/or editors.
Though not appearing here, insert a hanging indent on every line after the first line.

Bibliography general order of elements: Composer Last, Name First Name. Title of Score Volume. Edited by First Name Last Name. Vol. (#) of Title of Series. City: Publisher, Year.

Bibliography example: Schutz, Heinrich. Cantiones sacrae (1625). Edited by Heide Volckmar-Waschk. Vols. 8 and 9 of  Heinrich Schutz*, Neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke. Kassel: Barenreiter, 2004.

Footnote example: ​Jean Sibelius, Solo Songs with Piano, ed. Jukka Tiilikainen, series 8, vol. 4 of Jean Sibelius*, Complete Works (Wiesbaden: Helsinki University Library and the Sibelius Society of Finland; Breitkopf & Haertel, 1998).

*Special note: because "Heinrich Schutz" and "Jean Sibelius" do not appear within the series titles, we add the composer names in plain Roman type before the series title, followed by a comma.

Follow the citation convention for citing multivolume works with authors and/or editors.
Do not include corporate entities as editors. Only list human editors
Though not appearing here, insert a hanging indent on every line after the first line.

Bibliography general order of elements: Composer Last, Name First Name. Title of Score Volume. Vol. (#) of Title of Series, edited by First Name Last Name. City: Publisher, Year.

Bibliography example
Schütz, Henrich. Die evangelischen Historien und die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi. Vol. 1 of Heinrich Schütz Sämtliche Werke, edited by Philipp Spitta. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1968.

Footnote example
Henrich Schütz, Die evangelischen Historien und die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi, vol. 1 of Heinrich Schütz Sämtliche Werke, ed. Philipp Spitta (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1968).

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Finding the info you need to cite M3 score