Digital access to European works printed before 1701. Contents drawn from major research libraries including the Danish Royal Library, the National Central Library in Florence, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands and the Wellcome Library in London.
Collection of German language reference works (biographies, county information, law, literature, film, music, dictionaries and encyclopedias, press, and important dates) from the publishing house Duden.
Online collection of German language reference works of the publishing house Duden. The default search screen is set to "alle Duden-Datenbanken" (all Duden databases) which includes the following Duden dictionaries and lexicons: Deutsches Universalwörterbuch (Universal German dictionary); Das grosse Fremdwörterbuch (Large dictionary of internationalisms); Das Synonymwörterbuch (Dictionary of synonyms); Das grosse Wörterbuch der Zitate und Redewendungen (Large dictionary of quotations and idioms); Wörterbuch der Abkürzungen (Dictionary of abbreviations); Familiennamen, Herkunft und Bedeutung (Family names, ethymology and meaning); Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke (Dictionary of medical terminology); Wörterbuch der New Economy (Dictionary of the new economy); Das Lexikon der Wirtschaft (Dictionary of economy); Die deutsche Rechtschreibung (German orthography); Das Herkunftswörterbuch (Etymological dictionary); Richtiges und gutes Deutsch (Correct and proper German); Grosses Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (Large dictionary of the German language); Lexikon der Vornamen (Lexicon of first names); Geographische Namen in Deutschland (Geographical names in Germany); Wörterbuch der Szenesprachen (Contemporary Slang dictionary); and Recht (Law).
Bilingual dictionaries of English and French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and German.
Lists bibliographic information for nearly 400,000 monographs and articles in journals, newspapers, anthologies, and Festschriften dealing with German language and literature.
BDSL Online is the electronic version of the Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, known as Eppelsheimer-Köttelwesch after its first two editors at the University Library in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It indexes materials that deal with the study of German literature and language, including monographs as well as articles in journals, newspapers, anthologies, and Festschriften. The materials it covers are published world-wide, although the preponderance of them are German. The indexed titles are all held by the Frankfurt University Library and can usually be obtained from there by means of Interlibrary Loan, if needed.
Index (with full text) to core German scholarly journals in a wide variety of disciplines.
DigiZeitschriften (the German digital journal archive) provides access (with full text) to about 135 core German research journals in a variety of subject areas, including: Arts, Economics, Education, Egyptology and coptology, English language and literature, Geology, Germanic language and literature, History, Law, Librarianship, Mathematics, Music, Philology, Philosophy, Religion, Romance language and literature, Sciences, and Sociology.
Special version of Google's index to scholarly content on the web. Connects to full-text resources available to IU users.
oogle Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
Connecting to Google Scholar from off-campus? The IUB Libraries already provide access to many of the journal articles indexed in Google Scholar. Look for IU-Link, which will lead you to information about full-text content you can access via the Libraries' subscriptions.
Multidisciplinary index to articles predominately in the German language with some citations in English, French and other languages.
The IBZ covers international periodical literature in all fields, including philosophy, theology, psychology, communication, law, pedagogics, politics, sociology, economics, literature, language, art, music, theater, film, archaeology, ethnography, natural sciences, biology, anthropology, agriculture, ecology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, earth sciences and technology. Database is updated monthly, and contains articles from some 11,300 journals from 1983 to the present.
Entries in the IBZ are predominantly German-language, but include citations in English, French and other languages.
Print source: The IBZ in print covers the years 1885-1993. See IUCAT for the IUB Library holdings.
The IMB indexes articles in journals, conference proceedings, collections of essays and Festschriften. Indexing includes materials worldwide in a variety of languages.
The International Medieval Bibliography covers of the European Middle Ages, including the Middle East and North Africa, in the period 400-1500. Items in the bibliography are taken from some 4500 periodicals and 5000 miscellany volume (conference proceedings, essay collections, Festschriften and exhibition catalogues). Entries include full bibliographical details and subject classifications.
Provides searchable full-text of historical runs of important scholarly journals in the humanities, arts, sciences, ecology, and business.
JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization established with the assistance of The Mellon Foundation, provides complete runs of hundreds of important journal titles in more than 30 arts, humanities, and social science disciplines. These scholarly journals can be browsed online and searched, and the page images can be printed for those available in full-text. The IUB Libraries subscribe to current content for only some titles available through JSTOR. Includes access to the following collections: Arts & Sciences, Business, Hebrew Journals, Ireland Collection, Lives of Literature, Public Health Collection, Security Studies Collection, Sustainability Collection.
All journals in JSTOR start with the first volume. Many include content up to a "moving wall" of 3-5 years ago, although some journals have a fixed ending date for their content in JSTOR. Please check individual journals for exact dates of coverage.
For information about access to this resource for IU alumni, contact the Indiana University Alumni Association.
The MLA Bibliography indexes material in modern languages, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, and film.
It contains references to scholarly research from journals and series, monographs, chapters of books, working papers, dissertations, proceedings, Festschriften and bibliographies.
Access to backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Provides full text access and indexing for e-journals and e-books from a variety of scholarly publishers. Covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others.
Comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, including millions of works from thousands of universities. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637.
Includes the following:
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A & I
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: CIC Institutions lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.
Includes popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public. Because WorldCat libraries serve diverse communities in dozens of countries, resources are available in many languages.
The dramatic, poetical, and theoretical texts of Bertolt Brecht.
In co-operation with the German publishers, Suhrkamp Verlag, this edition is based on Bertolt Brecht - Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden - Jubiläumsausgabe zum 100. Geburtstag, edited by Werner Hecht, Wolfgang Jeske and Jan Knopf, which collects Brecht's works and writings in six volumes with brief notes on each text.
Index (with full text) to core German scholarly journals in a wide variety of disciplines.
DigiZeitschriften (the German digital journal archive) provides access (with full text) to about 135 core German research journals in a variety of subject areas, including: Arts, Economics, Education, Egyptology and coptology, English language and literature, Geology, Germanic language and literature, History, Law, Librarianship, Mathematics, Music, Philology, Philosophy, Religion, Romance language and literature, Sciences, and Sociology.
Coverage ranges from early German texts to works of major 19th-century authors, including areas such as literature, history, philosophy, theology, politics, and art history.
The Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker offers an electronic version of the texts published since 1981 by the Deutscher Klassiker Verlag [German Classical Publishing Company], an affiliate of the Suhrkamp publishing company. As the title suggests, it makes available major works by German-language authors, spanning eleven centuries and ranging from such early texts as Lancelot und Ginover and works by Wolfram von Eschenbach to writings by major 18th- and 19th-century authors such as Herder, Büchner, Schleiermacher, and Fichte. As well, there are collections of historical, philosophical, theological, political, and art history texts. All works have been newly edited and are accompanied by extensive commentaries. Searching can be done for titles, keywords, or authors. Searches can be limited to the works of a particular author or to a specific genre of texts. Keyword searches can be performed on words in combination or for words in proximity. Truncation and wildcard searching allows retrieval of documents containing variations on a search term.
Digital access to European works printed before 1701. The contents are drawn from major repositories, including the Danish Royal Library, the National Central Library in Florence, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, and the Wellcome Library in London.
Includes access to collections 1-10, and 15. Religious works dominate, but the resource also includes secular material. Fully searchable pages scanned directly from the original printed sources in high-resolution full color. Each item is captured in its entirety, complete with binding, edges, endpapers, blank pages and any loose inserts.
Access to backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences.