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How To Conduct Research at the IU Libraries University Archives

Funding Opportunities

Research Opportunities:

The Institute for Advance Study offers a Summer Repository Research Fellowship that funds a short-term Summer Research Fellowship for a visiting faculty member or community scholar researcher to conduct in-depth research in the collections of one or more of our partner repositories. 

Award funding includes: 

$2,000 travel, lodging, and per diem (maximum allowance)

$3,000 two-week stipend for visiting researcher

$3,000 two-week stipend for IUB faculty research partner

Maximum award amount is $8,000.


Teaching Opportunities:

The Indiana University Libraries offers instructional development grants for the design or revision of undergraduate and graduate courses which integrate information literacy. Every fall and spring semester three to four grants will be awarded, each to a course instructor-librarian team. Course instructors will receive $2000; librarians will be awarded $1500 in professional travel funds related to teaching and learning.