A Bibliography of Writings about the Bassoon, 17th-19th Centuries: Secondary Sources
Compiled by David Lasocki
This bibliography was compiled for Proceedings of the International Double-Reed Symposium Utrecht 1994 (Utrecht: STIMU, 1997), ed. David Lasocki. We are grateful to STIMU for granting permission to load the bibliography on our web site.
This bibliography includes articles, books, and dissertations about historical instruments, performance practice, historical performers, and repertory in which the oboe and bassoon play a major role. It excludes sources about early woodwind makers or modern players of historical instruments, catalogues of individual collections, and historical sources in which the double-reed instruments have a minute role.
Angerhöfer, Günter. "Die Méthode de Basson von Etienne Ozi und die deutschen Fagottschul-Editionen bis 1850: Ein Inhaltsbericht der Druckwerke." In Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, 63-94. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
Angerhöfer, Günter. "Zur Ausführung der alten Musizierweise auf historischem und modernem Instrumentarium am Beispiel des Konzertes für Blockflöte und Fagott von G.Ph. Telemann." Fragen zur Aufführungspraxis und Interpretation von Werken Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs--ein Beitrag zum 200. Todestag: Konferenzbericht. II. Blankenburg/Harz: Institut für Aufführungspraxis der Musik des 18. Jahrhundert, 1989, 29-31.
Appleton, Quentin. "The Baroque Bassoon." Recorder & Music Magazine 9, no. 1 (January 1989): 310-12.
Atsalis, Theodore Nicholas. "The Eighteenth-Century Bassoon: Performance Feasibility of W.A. Mozart's Wind Sextets." Diss. University of Cincinnati, 1973.
Badea, Emilian. "The Life and Works of Eugène Jancourt (1815-1901), including a Translation and Commentary of [sic] his Grande méthode théoretique et pratique, opus 15." Mus.A.D. dissertation, University, 1992.
Baines, Anthony. "James Talbot's Manuscript (Christ Church Library Music Ms 1187)." Galpin Society Journal 1 (1948): 9-26.
________. Woodwind Instruments and their History. London: Faber & Faber, 1959. 3rd ed, 1967, corrected 1977. Reprint, New York: Dover, 1991.
Bartlett, Loren Wayne. "A Survey and Checklist of Representative Eighteenth-Century Concertos and Sonatas for Bassoon." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of Iowa, 1961.
Beebe, Jon Pritchard. "An Annotated Bibliography of Music for Unaccompanied Solo Bassoon." D.M.A. document, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988.
Beebe, Jon Pritchard. Music for Unaccompanied Solo Bassoon: An Annotated Bibliography. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1990.
Benade, Arthur H. "Woodwinds: The Evolutionary Path Since 1700." Galpin Society Journal 47 (1994): 63-110.
Bernardini, Alfredo. "Carlo Palanca e la costruzione di strumenti a fiato a Torino nel Settecento." Il flauto dolce: Rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica 13 (October 1985): 22-26.
Bernau, John. "The Origin and Development of the Bassoon. I: Early History; II: The Bassoon in the 18th century; III: The Contrabassoon; IV: the Bassoon from 1800." NACWPI Journal 26, no. 4 (August 1978): 33-35; 27, no. 1 (September 1978): 42-44; 27, no. 2 (November 1978): 37-43.
Bordas Ibañez, Cristina. "Instrumentos españoles de los siglos XVII y XVIII en el Museo del Pueblo Español de Madrid." Revista de musicologia 7, no. 2 (1984): 301-33.
Bourligueux, Guy. "Un hermano del Padre Antonio Soler, fagotista de la Real Capilla madrileña." Revista de musicologia 8, no. 1 (1985): 83-95.
Braach, Volker. "Kompositionen für die `kleine Harmonie.'" In Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, 9-19. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
Brandt, Konrad. "Fragen zur Fagottbesetzung in den kirchenmusikalischen Werken Johann Sebastian Bachs." Bach- Jahrbuch 54 (1968): 65-79.
Bukoff, Ronald N. "Boismortier, Corrette, and Le Phénix: Music for the French Baroque Bassoon" Journal of the International Double Reed Society 13 (1985): 48-56.
________. "The Concerto in E-flat for Two Bassoons by Johann Gottfried Müthel (1728-1788)." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 12 (1984): 67-72.
Bulling, Burchard. Fagott-Bibliographie. Wilhelmshaven: Florian Noetzel, Heinrichshofen Bücher, 1989.
Byrne, Maurice. "The Church Band at Swalcliffe." Galpin Society Journal 17 (1964): 89-98.
Cervenka, Frantisek. "Fagottkonzerte tschechischer Meister des 18. Jahrhunderts." Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, 21-27. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
Cocks, William A. "The Phagotum: An Attempt at Reconstruction." Galpin Society Journal 12 (1959): 57-59.
Croft-Murray, Edward. "An Early 18th Century Drawing of Wind Instruments." Galpin Society Journal 33 (1980): 130.
DaGrade, Marvin Donald. "A Translation and Study of the Bassoon Section of Joseph Fröhlich's Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Musiklehre (1810-11) and a Performance Edition of his Serenade for Flute, Clarinet, Viola, Bassoon or Cello." D.Mus. document, Indiana University, 1970.
Dreyfus, Laurence. Bach's Continuo Group: Players and Practices in his Vocal Works. Studies in the History of Music. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
Dullat, Günter. "Vom Contrahorn über den 16 füssigen Orgelbass und den Contra-Bassophon zum Claviatur-Contrafagott." Tibia 9, no. 2 (1984): 99-105.
Duncan, Richard L. "A Comparative Analysis of Mozart's Concertos for Wind Instruments." M.A. thesis, Indiana University, 1972.
Duron, Jean. "L'orchestre de Marc-Antoine Charpentier." Revue de musicologie 72, no. 1 (1986): 23-65.
Edgerton, Sara Ann. "The Bass Part in Haydn's Early Symphonies: A Documentary and Analytical Study." D.M.A. document, Cornell University, 1989.
Eliason, Robert E. "George Catlin, Hartford Musical Instrument Maker." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 9 (1983): 21-52.
________. "The Meachams, Musical Instrument Makers of Hartford and Albany." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 5-6 (1979-80): 54-73.
________. "Oboe, Bassoons and Bass Clarinets, made by Hartford, Connecticut Makers before 1815." Galpin Society Journal 30 (1977): 43-51.
Ennulat, Egbert. "William Ling, a Rediscovered English Mozart?" Journal of Musicological Research 5, no. 1-3 (1984): 35-50.
Everett, Paul Joseph. "Opening il sepolcro: Ziani, Vivaldi and a Question of Stylistic Authenticity." In Vivaldi vero e falso: Problemi di attribuzione, 69-89. Firenze: Olschki, 1992.
________. "Vivaldi's Paraphrased Oboe Concertos of the 1730s." Chigiana. Rassegna annuale di studi musicologici 41 [21] (1991): 197-216.
Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, ed. Walter Sallagar and Michael Nagy. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
Falcon Moller, Dorthe. Flojte, obo, klarinet fagot: Traeblaesertraditionen i dansk instrumentbygning. Kobenhavn: Falcon, 1987.
Feder, Georg. "Das Autograph von Haydns Divertimento in C-Dur für 2 Klarinetten und 2 Fagotte." Haydn-Studien 6, no. 2 (1988): 156-58.
Fletcher, Kristine Klopfenstein. The Paris Conservatoire and the Contest Solos for Bassoon. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1988.
Fletcher, Richard Wesley. "A Comprehensive Performance Project in Clarinet Literature with an Essay on Music for Bassoon and Small String Ensemble, circa 1700-1825." D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1974.
________. "Music for Bassoon and Small String Ensemble, circa 1700-1825." NACWPI Journal 29, no. 2 (November 1981): 15-19.
Gagne, Jean. "Le basson de la Renaissance." Carnet musical 2 (October 1971): 1215.
________. "L'origine du fagot ou basson." Carnet musical 1 (June 1971): 7-9.
Galpin, Francis W. "Romance of the Phagotum." Proceedings of the Musical Association 67 (1940-41): 57-72.
Gerlach, Sonja. "Haydns Orchesterpartituren: Fragen der Realisierung des Textes." Haydn-Studien 5, no. 3 (December 1984): 169-83. Includes information on the use of the bassoon in the basso continuo parts of Haydn's orchestral scores.
Giannini, Tula. "A Letter from Louis Rousselet, 18th-Century French Oboist at the Royal Opera in England." Newsletter of the American Musical Instrument Society 16, no. 2 (June 1987): 10- 11.
Gillespie, James Ernest, Jr. "The Reed Trio: an Annotated Bibliography of Original, Published Works." D.M. document, Indiana University, 1969.
Gillette, John Carroll. "An Annotated Bibliography of Works for Unaccompanied Bassoon." D.M.A. document, Indiana University, 1976.
Griswold, Harold Eugene. "Changes in the Tonal Character of the Eighteenth-century French Bassoon." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 16 (1988): 114-25. Reprinted in Journal of the International Double Reed Society 17 (1989): 29-30.
________. "Étienne Ozi (1754-1813): Bassoonist, Teacher, and Composer." D.M.A. dissertation, Peabody Institute, Baltimore, 1979.
________. "Fundamentals of Bassoon Playing as Described in Late Eighteenth-Century Tutors." NACWPI Journal 32, no. 4 (1984): 4-14. Reprinted in Journal of the International Double Reed Society 13 (1985): 33-41.
________. "Mozart's `Good Wood-Biter': Georg Wenzel Ritter (1748- 1808)." Galpin Society Journal 49 (1996): 103-12.
________. "Reed-making `Etienne Ozi (1754-1813)." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 9 (1981): 17-25.
________. "A Translation of the Bassoon Reed Making Instructions in Joseph Froelich's 1829 `Fagott-Schule.'" Journal of the International Double Reed Society 19 (1991): 27-34.
Groffy, Franz. Musikhistorisches Museum Heckel-Biebrich, Abteilung Fagotte. Wiesbaden-Biebrich am Rhein: Wilhelm Heckel, 1968.
Halfpenny, Eric. "The Earliest English Bassoon Tutor." Galpin Society Journal 17 (1964): 103-05.
________. "Early English Bassoon Fingerings." Galpin Society Journal 18 (1965): 127.
________. "The Evolution of the Bassoon in England, 1750-1800." Galpin Society Journal 10 (1957): 30-39.
________. "French and German Bassoons in London." Galpin Society Journal 21 (1968): 187-89.
Hanchet, John. "Chalemies et bassons." In Instruments de musique espagnols du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Europalia 85 Esp aña, 93-100. Bruxelles: Société Générale de Banque, 1985.
Harbough, Albert Harrison. "The Double Reed Instruments. A Short History of the Oboe, Bassoon and Related Instruments, with a Critical Evaluation of their Solo Literature." Diss., University of Southern California, 1952.
Heckel, W. Der Fagott. Biebrich: Heckel, 1899. 2nd ed., 1931.
Hedlund, H. Jean. "Ensemble Music for Small Bassoons." Galpin Society Journal 11 (1958): 78-84.
________. "A Study of Certain Representative Compositions for Woodwind Ensembles, ca. 1695-1815." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of Iowa, 1959.
Heinrich, Jean-Marie. "Arundo donax, das Holz, mit dem wir leben müssen! Kleiner Traktat über Zusammenhänge zwischen Holzstruktur und Spieleigenschaften der Mundstücke von Oboe, Klarinette und Fagott." Tibia 16, no. 4 (1991): 610-21.
Heinz, Klaus Martin. "Artikulation und Phrasierung in der Darstellung der ersten Fagottschule (1788) von Etienne Ozi (1754- 1813)." Tibia 6, no. 3 (1981): 402-06.
Heyde, Herbert. "Carl Almenräders Verdienst um das Fagott." Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft 14, no. 3 (1972): 225-30.
________. "Contrabassoons in the 17th and Early 18th Century." Galpin Society Journal 40 (1987): 24-36.
Hillsman, Walter. "Instrumental Accompaniment of Plain-chant in France from the late 18th Century." Galpin Society Journal 33 (1980): 8-16.
Hodges, Woodrow Joe. "A Biographical Dictionary of Bassoonists Born before 1825." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1980.
Hofer, Achim. "`...ich dien auf beede recht in Krieg und Freidens Zeit': Zu den Märschen des 18. Jahrhunderts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Besetzung." Tibia 17, no. 3 (1992): 182-91.
________. "Militärmärsche am Hofe des "Sonnenkönigs": Voraussetzungen, Formen, Auswirkungen." Tibia 16, no. 2 (1991): 430-37.
Hoff, Helen A. "The Bassoon in Eight Quartets for Bassoon, Violin, Viola, and Cello Written ca. 1800." D.M.A. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1976.
Hofmann, Klaus. "Gesucht: Ein Graunsches Trio mit obligater Bassblockflöte. Ein Ermittlungsbericht -- Mit Seitenblicken auf ein Trio Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs." Tibia 17, no. 4 (1992): 253-62.
Horner, Don Arlen. "The Teaching of the Bassoon from c. 1700 to c. 1825: A Survey of Selected Pedagogical Material." D.M.A. document, University of Oregon, 1980.
Hubmann, Klaus. "Thaddäus Freiherr von Dürniz und seine Kompositionen für Fagott." In Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, 29-37. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
________. "Untersuchungen zur Authentizität der Mozartschen Fagottsonate KV 292 (196c)." Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott 5, no. 2 (1990): 99-106.
Intravaia, Lawrence J. "A History of Bassoon Reed-Making from the Late 17th Century to the Late 19th Century." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 4 (1976): 2-7.
Jansen, Will. The Bassoon. Its History, Construction, Makers, Players, and Music. Buren, The Netherlands: Frits Knuf, 1981.
Joppig, Gunther. "150 Jahre Heckel-Instrumente." Tibia 6, no. 2 (1981): 345-50.
________. "Die Entwicklung der Doppelrohrblatt-Instrumente von 1850 bis heute und ihre Verwendung in Orchester- und Kammermusik." Master's thesis, Universität Hamburg, 1977.
________. Die Entwicklung der Doppelrohrblatt-Instrumente von 1850 bis heute und ihre Verwendung in Orchester- und Kammermusik. Schriftenreihe Das Musikinstrument, 22. Frankfurt am Main: Bochinsky, Verlag Das Musikinstrument, 1980.
________. Oboe und Fagott: ihre Geschichte, ihre Nebeninstrumente und ihre Musik. Unsere Musikinstrumente, 9. Bern and Stuttgart: Hallwag, 1981. English translation by Alfred Clayton as The Oboe and the Bassoon. Portland, OR: Amadeus, 1988. French translation as Hautbois et basson: leur histoire, leur famille, leur répertoire. Lausanne: Payot, 1981.
________. "Zur Entwicklung des deutschen Fagotts." Studia organologica: Festschrift für John Henry van der Meer zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag.
Wissenschaftliche Beibände zum Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 6. Tutzing: Schneider, 1987, 253-76.
________. "Zur Entwicklung des Kontrafagottes im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert." Das Musikinstrument 34, no. 11 (November 1985): 20-26.
________. "Zur Entwicklung von Oboe und Fagott." Das Musikinstrument 34, no. 11 (November 1985): 16-19.
Kenyon de Pascual, Beryl. "A Brief Survey of the Late Spanish Bajoacute;n." Galpin Society Journal 37 (1984): 72-79.
________. "El bajón español y los tres ejemplares de la Catedral de Jaca." Nassarre: Revista aragonesa de musicología 2, no. 2 (1986): 109-33.
________. "Instrumentos e instrumentistas españoles y extranjeros en la Real Capilla desde 1701 hasta 1749." In España en la música de occidente, Vol. II, 93- 97. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música, 1987.
________. "A Late Sixteeth-century Portrayal of the Jointed Dulcian." Galpin Society Journal 43 (1990): 150-53.
Kiefer, Thomas, and William Waterhouse. "Hochverehrter Freund! Eine Anweisung zum Fagottspiel aus dem Jahre 1823." Tibia 19, no. 2 (1994): 104-09.
Kirkpatrick, Mary. "Register of Early Reeds: Bassoon Reeds in the Aylesbury Museum." Galpin Society Journal 34 (1981): 148-49.
Klitz, Brian. "The Bassoon in Chamber Music of the Seventeenth Century." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 9 (1983): 5-20.
________. "A Composition for Dolzaina." Journal of the American Musicological Society 24, no. 1 (Spring 1971): 113- 18.
________. "Solo Sonatas, Trio Sonatas, and Duos for Bassoon before 1750." Ph.D. dissertation, The University of North Carolina, 1961.
________. "Some 17th-Century Sonatas for Bassoon." Journal of the American Musicological Society 15, no. 2 (1962): 199- 205.
Koch, Hans Oskar. "Die Spezialtypen der Blasinstrumente in der 1. Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachraum." Staatsexamensarbeit dissertation, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, 1969.
________. "Sonderformen der Blasinstrumente in der deutschen Musik vom späten 17. bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts." Diss. Ruprecht-Karl Universität zu Heidelberg, 1980/82.
Kohon, Benjamin. "The History and Musicology of the Bassoon." Woodwind Magazine 1, no. 3 (January 1949): 3+; 1, no. 4 (February 1949): 4, 8.
Kopp, James B. "Notes on the Bassoon in Seventeenth-century France." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 17 (1991): 84-115.
Kramer, Ursula. "`Zwo Hoboen und zweene Bassons sind auch sehr angenehm zu hören': Zu Johann Friedrich Faschs vierstimmigen Sonaten." Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte 59 (1992): 373-83.
Kurtz, S. James. "A Study and Catalog of Ensemble Music for Woodwinds Alone or with Brass from ca. 1700 to ca. 1825." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1971.
Lange, Hansjuerg, and Bruce Haynes. "The Importance of Original Double Reeds Today." Galpin Society Journal 30 (1977): 43- 51.
Langwill, Lyndesay G. The Bassoon and Contrabassoon. London: E. Benn; New York: W.W. Norton, 1965.
________. The Bassoon and Double Bassoon: A Short History of their Origin, Development and Makers. London: Hinrichsen, 1963.
________. "The Boehm Bassoon." Woodwind Magazine 3 (January 1951): 12.
________. "The `Boehm' Bassoon: A Retrospect." Galpin Society Journal 12 (1959): 63-67.
________. "The Curtal (1550-1750): A Chapter in the Evolution of the Bassoon." The Musical Times 78 (1938): 305-09.
Lehey, Greg. "More on 19th Century Bassoon Reeds." FoMRHI Quarterly 58 (January 1990): 34-35.
Lewin, Gregory P. "The Curtal: A Survey of the History and Repertoire of the Early Bassoon." M.A. thesis, University of Bristol, 1988.
Libby, Dennis. "The Relation of the Score to Performance in Pergolesi's opere serie Based on a Study of his Salustia." Studi pergolesiani/Pergolesi studies. Firenze: Nuova Italia, 1988, 103-09.
Linsenberg, Judith A. "An Edition of Instrumental Music from Lully's Opera Cadmus: A Trio Setting from Foucault Part-books at Stanford University." D.M.A. document, Stanford University, 1989.
Loewer, Christoph. "Die technische Entwicklung des Fagotts." Instrumentenbau-Zeitschrift 46 (June 1992): 22-32+.
Loraine, Keith. A Handbook on Making Double Reeds for Early Winds. Berkeley, CA: Musica Sacra et Profana, 1982.
MacGillivray, James A. "Playing Old Instruments." Woodwind World 2 (October 1958): 10-12.
Mahling, Christoph-Hellmut. "Con o senza fagotto? Bemerkungen zur Besetzung des 'Bassi' (1740 bis ca. 1780)." In Florilegium musicologicum: Helmut Federhofer zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. Mahling, 197-208. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1988.
Mangsen, Sandra Joan. "Instrumental Duos and Trios in Printed Italian Sources, 1600-1675." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1989.
Martin, Dennis Roy. "The Operas and Operatic Style of John Frederick Lampe (1703?-1751), with a Commentary and Critical Edition of his most Important Work: The Dragon of Wantley." Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Iowa, 1979. Includes a biography of Lampe, who began his career as a bassoonist in Handel's opera orchestra.
McCormick, Cathy. "Mathieu-Frédéric Blasius (1758-1829): a Biographical Sketch, Catalog of Works, and Critical Performance Edition of the Quatuor Concertant in F, op. 1, no. 1." Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1983.
Meyer, Jürgen. "Akustische Untersuchungen über den Klang alter und neuer Fagotte." Das Musikinstrument 17 (1968): 1259-66.
Münster, Robert. "Zu Carl Maria von Webers Münchner Aufenthalt 1811." In Musik, Edition, Interpretation: Gedenkschrift Gunter Henle, ed. Martin Bente, 369-83. München: Henle, 1980. Includes information on the previously unknown first version of his bassoon concerto.
Nagy, Michael. "Holzblasinstrumente der tiefen Lage im Schaffen von Johann Joseph Fux." In Johann Joseph Fux und die barocke Bläsertradition, 89-98. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1987.
________. "Theobald Hürth und seine Fagottschule." Tibia 8, no. 1 (1983): 258-64.
________. "Zum Fagottbau in Wien." In Bericht uber die 4. Internationale Fachtagung zur Erforschung der Blasmusik, 25-76. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 1984.
Noyen, Dirk. "`Basson' of `fagott'? Die historische fagot -- korte ontewikkelingsgeschiedenis." Adem 19, no. 5 (November-December 1983): 256-58.
Oberlag, Herbert Henry. "An Annotated Bibliography of Original, Published Quartets for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon." D.M. document, Indiana University, 1973.
Ohlsson, Eric Paul. "The Quintets for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn and Bassoon by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven." D.M.A. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1980.
Oromszegi, Otto. "The Bass Bombard of `Master CK' of Sopron." Galpin Society Journal 20 (1967): 3-8.
________. "Bassoons at the Narodni Museum, Prague." Galpin Society Journal 24 (1971): 96-101.
________. "The Bombards of Master `W' of Rozmberk." Galpin Society Journal 21 (1968): 97-104.
________. "Connections between the Bass Bombard and the Bassoon." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 15 (1987): 9-17.
Page, Janet, and Dexter Edge. "A Newly Uncovered Autograph Sketch for Mozart's Al desio di chi t'adora K. 577." Musical Times 132, no. 12 = 1786 (Dec 1991): 601-06.
Peebles, William Louis. "The Evolution of Bassoon Fingering Systems: An Historical and Practical Survey." Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1994.
Peeples, Georgia. "American Bassoonists, 1775-1850." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 18 (1990): 23-24.
________. "The Bassoon in America, 1800-1840, as Depicted in Contemporary Pedagogic Sources." D.M.A. dissertation, University of Maryland, 1981.
________. "Early Editions of Mozart's Concerto for Bassoon, K. 191." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 19 (1991): 51-52.
________. "William Priest in America: Glimpses of Eighteenth-century Music-making." Sonneck Society Newsletter 9, no. 1 (Spring 1983): 3-4. Priest was a bassoonist.
Perkins, Monty L. "Bassoon Tutors, 1687-1887, An Annotated Listing." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 8 (1980): 58-67.
Pezzi, Vincent. "The Boehm Bassoon." Woodwind Magazine 3, no. 1 (September 1950): 8-9. Based on material from Emanuele Krakamp's Metodo per fagotto (see above).
Pierce, David Michael. "The Bassoon in the Woodwind Quintet: Performance and Technical Demands and their Solutions." D.M.A. document, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1986.
Prinz, Ulrich. "Zur Bezeichnung 'Bassono' und 'Fagotto' bei J.S. Bach." Bach-Jahrbuch 67 (1981): 107-22.
See also under Oboe.
The Proud Bassoon: The Waterhouse Collection of Bassoons and Related Items; Catalogue, ed. William R. Waterhouse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, 1983. Exhibition catalogue.
Reimann, Albert. "Il nome di fagotto come strumento musicale." Lingua nostra 1 (1959): 19-20.
Reimann, Albert. "Studien zur Geschichte des Fagotts. 1. Das `Fagotum' des Afranius Albonesii und zwei `fagotti' in Verona. 2. Geschichte der Namen für das Fagott." Ph.D. dissertation, Albert Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, 1957.
"Das Reisejournal Franz Carl Preumayrs 1829-30." Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv bulletin 9 (1973): 19-20. The diary from the journey which Preumayr, a German-born bassoon virtuoso who lived in Sweden after 1805, made in 1829-30 to Denmark, Germany, France, England and Holland.
Rhodes, David J. "Frank Anton Pfeiffer (1752-1787) -- Bassoonist and Compact." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 22 (1994): 15-29.
________. "Franz Anton Pfeiffer and the Bassoon." Galpin Society Journal 36 (1983): 97-103.
________. "The Life and Works of Franz Anton Pfeiffer (1752-1787) with an Edition of his Music." Ph.D. dissertation, The Queen's University, Belfast, 1983.
Riedelbauch, Heinz. "Das Epitaph zu Detwang." Tibia 10, no. 1 (1985): 252-57. Concerns a plaque and epitaph for the bassoon player Georg Philip Zahn (1723-1784).
Roll, Karen. "An Annotated Bibliography of Flute, Clarinet, and Bassoon Trio Music." M.A. thesis, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1983.
Sallagar, Walter Hermann. "Die historische Entwicklung des Fagotts. Kurzer Abriss nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Forschung." Das Musikinstrument 8 (1959): 252, 283-84.
Schink, William Paul. "Four Sonatas for Bassoon and Piano by Lewis Mercy: Edition and Commentary." D.A. dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, 1981.
Schulze, Werner. "Zum Kontrafagott 1620-1820." Oboe-Fagott 6 (1986): 20-26.
Seidler, Richard David. "The Bassoon Concertos of Antonio Vivaldi." D.Phil. dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1973.
________. "How Many Bassoon Concertos did Vivaldi Write?" NACWPI Journal 24, no. 4 (Summer 1976): 11-24, 29-32.
Semmens, Richard. "The Bassoons in Marin Mersenne's Harmonie universelle (1636)." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 10 (1984): 22-31.
Shaw, James E. "Performance Practice Directions in the Bassoon Methods of Etienne Ozi." M.A. thesis, University of Nevada, 1976.
Spiessens, Godelieve. "De Antwerpse Stadsspeellieden (1415-1794)." Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis 68, no. 1-4 (1985): 103-12.
Stanley, Barbara, and Graham Lyndon-Jones. The Curtal. St Albans: authors, 1983.
Stoltie, James Merle. "A Symphony Concertante Type: The Concerto for Mixed Woodwind Ensemble in the Classic Period, Illustrated with a Score of François Devienne's `Deuxième Symphonie Concertante pour haut-bois ou clarinette et basson principal.'" Ph.D. dissertation, State University of Iowa, 1962.
Sweger, Keith Warren. "The Bassoon Concertos of Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782): A Historical, Stylistic, and Performance Analysis." D.M.A. document, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1990.
Tamplini, Giuseppe. Brevi cenni sul sistema Bohem [i.e., Boehm] e della sua appliazione al fagotto. Bologna: Bongiovanni, 1888.
Thomas, Orlan Earl. "Music for Double-reed Ensembles from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: `Collection Philidor.'" D.M.A. dissertation, Eastman School of Music, 1973.
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Tyree, Ronald Wayne. "An Edition for Study and Performance of the Grand Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra by J.N. Hummel (1778-1837) and Four Sonatas for Bassoon and Keyboard, Opus 26, by J.B. Boismortier (1691-1765)." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of Iowa, 1957.
Urbinato, Joseph Mario. "A Critical Edition and Analysis of Nine Sonatas for Bassoon and Continuo by Giovanni Antonio Bertali." Mus.A.D. thesis, Boston University, 1969.
Ventzke, Karl. "Boehm-System-Fagotte im 19. Jahrhundert." Tibia 1, no. 1 (1976): 13-18.
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________. "Notes on the Fingering Systems of `Boehm' Bassoons." Galpin Society Journal 29 (1976): 51-63. Reprinted in Journal of the International Double Reed Society 5 (1977): 67-77.
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________. "Indications of Performance Practice in Woodwind Instruction Books of the 17th and 18th Centuries." Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1964.
________. "Two Late Eighteenth-Century Instructions for Making Double Reeds." Galpin Society Journal 15 (1962): 25-33.
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________. "A Critical Bibliography of Historical Teaching Material for Bassoon 1700-1900: Tutor, Chart and Etude." In Fagott forever: Eine Festgabe für Karl Öhlberger zum achtzigsten Geburtstag, 39-62. Wilhering: Hilaria, 1992.
________. "Der Komponist und Fagottist Victor Bruns." Oboe- Fagott 7 (June 1986): 32-33.
________. "More Reed Makers." Galpin Society Journal 38 (1985): 144.
________. "A Newly Discovered 17th-century Bassoon by Haka." Early Music 16, no. 3 (August 1988): 407-10. Reprinted in Journal of the International Double Reed Society 17 (1989): 15-18.
________. "Webers Fagottkonzert op. 75: ein Vergleich von handschriftlichen und gedruckten Quellen." Tibia 11, no. 1 (1986): 22-30. In English as "Weber's Bassoon Concerto Op. 75: The Manuscript and Printed Sources Compared." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 14 (1986): 46-56. See also under Oboe above.
Weber, Rainer. "Hofkapellmeister und seine Beziehung zum Fagott: Zum 200. Geburtstag von Peter Lindpaintner (1791-1856)." Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott 6, no. 1 (1991): 15-32.
________. "Kontrabass-Dulciane, die Vorläufer des Kontrafagottes." Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott 6, no. 2 (1991): 97-105.
Weidauer, Stephan. "Peter Lindpainter's Bassoon Music (The Musical Director at the Royal Court of Wurttemberg and his Relationship to the Bassoon)." Journal of the International Double Reed Society 18 (1990): 15-21.
White, Paul J. "Bajón Reeds." FoMRHI Quarterly 67 (1992): 10-31.
________. "Bassoon Reeds by Triébert and Massabo: Romantic- era Bassoon Reeds." FoMRHI Quarterly 56 (July 1989): 27-36.
________. "Early Bassoon Fingering Charts." Galpin Society Journal 43 (1990): 68-111.
________. "The Early Bassoon Reed in Relation to the Development of the Bassoon after 1636." D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1993.
________. "Early Bassoon Reeds: A Survey of Some Important Examples." Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 10 (1984): 69-96. Reprinted in Journal of the International Double Reed Society 16 (1988): 71-92.
________. "The Post-modernist Bassoon: Problems with Authenticity in Early Woodwind Reproductions -- Marketing, Facade, and the Early Music Industry Steamroller." FoMRHI Quarterly 69 (October 1992): 15-19.
Whitwell, David. "Early Oboe and Bassoon Manuscripts in Vienna." The Instrumentalist 25 (October 1970): 41-42.
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Willoughby, Susan Caroline. "Vivaldi's Bassoon Concertos: a Study Including Ornamentation." D.M.A. dissertation, Stanford University, 1982.
Young, Phillip T. Loan Exhibition of Historic Double Reed Instruments, August 1988. Victoria, British Columbia, University of Victoria, 1988).
________. "Some Further Instruments by the Denners." Galpin Society Journal 35 (1982): 78-85. Describes recent discoveries of bassoons by Johann Christoph and Jacob Denner.
Ziegler, Reinhard. "Das Fagott: Bemerkungen zu seiner Eigenart und Verwendung." Württembergische Bl ätter für Kirchenmusik 55, no. 2 (1988): 27-31.