A Bibliography of Writings about the Bassoon, 17th-19th Centuries: Primary Sources (in Chronological Order)
Compiled by David Lasocki
This bibliography was compiled for Proceedings of the International Double-Reed Symposium Utrecht 1994 (Utrecht: STIMU, 1997), ed. David Lasocki. We are grateful to STIMU for granting permission to load the bibliography on our web site. As the nineteenth century is notoriously difficult to cover bibliographically, some of the information about methods from that time is only provisional.
Praetorius, Michael. Syntagma musicum ex veterum & recentorium ecclesiasticorum autorum lectione.... Tomus secundus: De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel: Elias Holwein, 1619.
________. Syntagma musicum. Band II: De Organographia, Wolfenbüttel 1619. Facsimile, ed. Wilibald Gurlitt. Documenta Musicologica. Erste Reihe: Druckschriften-Faksimiles, 14. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1958.
________. The Syntagma Musicum of Michael Praetorius. Volume Two: De Organographia, First and Second Parts. Translated by Harold Blumenfeld. New York: Bärenreiter, 1949. 2nd ed., New York: Bärenreiter, 1962. Reprinted: New York: Da Capo Press, 1980.
________. Syntagma Musicum, II: De Organographia, Parts I and II. Translated and edited by David Z. Crookes. Early Music Series, 7. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
Mersenne, Marin. Harmonie universelle, contenant la théorie et la practique de la musique, où il est traité de la nature des sons, et des mouvemens, des consonances, des dissonances, des genres, des modes, de la compostion, de la voix, des chants, et de toutes sortes d'instrumens harmoniques, 3 vols. Paris: Sébastien Cramoisy, 1636. Édition facsimilé de l'exemplaire conservé à la Bibliothèque des Arts et Métiers et annoté par l'auteur. Introduction par François Lesure. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1963.
________. Harmonie Universelle: The Books on Instruments. Translated by Roger E. Chapman. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1957.
Trichet, Pierre. Le Traité des instruments de musique. [ca. 1644]. Unpublished manuscript, ms. 1070, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève.
Speer, Daniel. Grund-richtiger kurtz-leicht-und nöthiger jetz wol-vermehrter Unterricht der musicalischen Kunst. Oder Vierfaches musicalisches Kleeblatt worinnen zu ersehen wie man süglich und in kurtzer Zeit ... III. Allerhand Instrumenta greiffen und blasen lernen kan ... denen Lehr- und Lernenden zu beliebigem Gebrauch zum andernmahl herausgegeben.2nd ed. Ulm: Georg Wilhelm Kühn, 1697. Facsimile, Leipzig: Edition Peters, 1974. Includes a description of the dulcian and a fingering chart.
Musica bellicosa ... and a Scale of the Gamut for the Bassoon. London: John Walsh, 1730.
Majer, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar. Museum musicum theoretico-practicum, das ist Neu-eröffneter theoretisch- und practischer Music-Saal.Schwäbische Hall: Georg Michael Majer, 1732. Fascsimile, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1954. 2nd ed., 1741. Facsimile, Michaelstein: Kultur- und Forschungsstätte Michaelstein, 1985. Includes a description of the bassoon and a fingering chart.
Eisel, Johann Philipp. Musicus autodidaktos, oder Der sich selbst informirende Musicus. Erfurt: Johann Michael Funck, 1738. Facsimile, Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1976. Includes descriptions of the dulcian and bassoon as well as fingering charts.
Berlin, Johann Daniel. Musicaliske elementer eller anleedning til forstand paa de forste ting udi musiquen hvor udi den musikaliske signatur i den brung som den nu haves hos de fleeste. Applicaturen par nogle saa kaldte strygende og blaesende instrumenter. Trondheim: Jen. Christ. Winding, 1744. Includes a description of the bassoon and a fingering chart.
Prelleur, Peter. The Modern Musick Master. London, ca. 1750. This edition includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Diderot and d'Alembert, ed. Encyclopédie,II. Paris: Briasson, 1751. s.v. "Basson de Hautbois.
Minguet y Irol, Pablo. Reglas, y advertencias generales que enseñan el modo de tañer todos los instrumentos mejores, y mas usuales....Madrid: Johachin Ibarra, 1754. Facsimile, Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1981.
The Muses Delight. An Accurate Collection of English and Italian Songs, Cantatas and Duetts, set to Music for the Harpsichord, Violin, German-Flute, &c. With Instructions for the Voice, Violin, Harpsichord or Spinnet, German-Flute, Common-Flute, Hautboy, French-Horn, Bassoon and Bass-Violin.... Liverpool: John Sadler, 1754. Eds. of 1756, 1757, and 1758 entitled Apollo's Cabinet: or the Muses Delight....
Garsault. Notionare ou mémorial raisonné de ce qu'il y a d'utile et d'intéressant.Paris: Desprez, 1761.
Hotteterre, Jacques. Methode pour apprendre à jouer ... de la flûte. Paris: Bailleux, ca. 1765. Also Antoine Bailleux. M éthode ... par Mr. Hotteterre le Romain. Nouvelle édition augmentée des principes de clarinet et du basson.This edition includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Tans'ur, William. The Elements of Musick Made Easy: or, An Universal Introduction to the Whole Art of Musick, Book III. London: S. Crowder, 1767. Includes remarks on the bassoon and a fingering chart.
Francoeur, Louis-Joseph. Diapason général de tous les instrumens à vent avec des observations sur chacun d'eux. Paris: Le Marchand, 1772.
Compleat Instructions for the Bassoon or Fagotto (Corrected by the Most Eminent Masters in London &c) Containing a Perfect Drawing of that Instrument & a Modern Scale of all the Notes. Also the Easiest Methods for Learners to Play. London: Longman & Lukey, ca. 1770.
Tans'ur, William. The Elements of Musick Display'd. London, 1772. Includes a bassoon fingering chart, republished in his A Musical Grammar (London, 1789).
La Borde, Jean-Benjamin de. Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne. Tome premier. Paris: Eugene Onfroy, 1780. Contains bassoon instructions, which La Borde says were written by his friend Pierre Cugnier.
Berg, Lorents Nicolaj. Den forste prove for begyndere udi instrumental kunsten. Kristiansand: Swane, 1782. Includes a description of the bassoon and a fingering chart.
Ozi, Etienne. Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le basson. Paris: Boyer, Madame Le Menu, ca. 1787. Paris: Naderman, 1800. Nouvelle méthode de basson ... français & allemand. Offenbach: Jean André, 1805. Neue Fagot-Schule.Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hä rtel, 1806. Facsimile of the German edition and a translation of the second French edition, ed. Eitelfriedrich Thom with afterword by Gunter Angerhöfer. Michaelstein: Kultur- und Forschungsstätte Michaelstein, 1988.
Complete Instructions for the Bassoon, Containing the Most Useful Directions & Examples for Learners to Obtain a Proficiency. London: Preston & Son, ca. 1790.
Royal Encyclopaedia. London: C. Cooke, 1793. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
"Tablature pour le Basson," ca. 1793. Ms. Citadelle, Montréal, Canada.
Vandenbrock, Othon. Traité général de tous les instruments à vent à l'usage des compositeurs. Paris: Boyer, 1793. Facsimile, Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1974.
Reynvaan, J.V. Muzijkaal Kunst-Woordenboek. Amsterdam: Wouter Brave, 1795. Includes four bassoon fingering charts.
Compleat Instructions for the Bassoon or Fagotto. London: G. Goulding, 1798. Identical to Longman & Lukey's publication of ca. 1770.
Abrahame. Principes de basson ... suivis d'un recueil d'ariettes choisies des meilleurs auteurs. Paris: Frère, ca. 1800.
Klein, Johann Josef. Lehrbuch der theoretischen Musick in systematischen Ordnung. Leipzig & Gera, 1801. Includes a description of the bassoon and a fingering chart).
Gehot, Joseph. Complete Instructions for Every Musical Instrument Containing a Treatise on Practical Music in General, to which is Added the Scale or Gamut for Thirty Five Different Instruments. London: G. Goulding, ca. 1801. Includes a bassoon fingering chart).
Ozi, Etienne. Nouvelle méthode de basson ... adoptée par le Conservatoire pour servir à l'étude dans cet etablissement. Paris: Imprimerie du Conservatoire de Musique, 1803. Facsimile, Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1974. New ed., Paris: Petit, ca. 1820; ca. 1830. In Méthodes instrumentales les plus anciennes du Conservatoire de Paris.
Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. Paris: Janet. Paris: Janet & Cotelle. Fagott-Schule neue unter Mitarbeit erster Fagottisten durch Georg Bonger besorgte Ausgabe = Method for the Bassoon. Latest Edition, revised by George Banger and Most Celebrated Bassoonists, op. 14. Offenbach: Johann André, 1897. Metodo per il fagotto.Italian translation by Antonio Torpiani. Milan: G. Ricordi, 1900.
Tonleiter des Fagotts. Berlin: Werckmeister, ca. 1806-09. Fingering chart.
Herrick, Joseph. The Instrumental Preceptor; Comprising Instructions for the Clarionett, German Flute, Violin, Bass-Viol and Bassoon. Exeter, NH: Ranlet & Norris, 1807.
Holyoke, Samuel. The Instrumental Assistant: Volume II. Containing A Selection of Minuets, Airs, Duettos, Rondos and Marches: with Instructions for the French-horn and Bassoon. Exeter, NH: Ranlet & Norris, 1807. Includes the same fingering chart as Herrick.
Shaw, Oliver. For the Gentlemen. A Favourite Selection of Instrumental Music ... with the Scales, or Gamuts for the Several Instruments, to which the Music is Adapted. Dedham: H. Mann, 1807. Includes the same fingering chart as Herrick.
Reese, Abraham. The Cyclopedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orms, 1807. Includes a "Scale of the Bassoon" by J.W. Callcott.
Froehlich, Joseph. Vollständige theoretisch-pracktische Musikschule für alle beym Orchester gebräuchliche wichtigere Instruments zum Gebrauch für Musikdirectoren, Lehrer und Liebhaber systematisch, mit Benutzung der Besten bisher erschienenen Anweisungen bearbeitet. Bonn: N. Simrock, 1810- 11. Includes Fagott Schule nach den Grundsätzen der besten über dieses Instrument bereits erschienenen Schriften).
Héral, and Etienne Ozi. Petite méthode de basson contenant les principes de la musique & de l'instrument, les gammes, exercices et 12 petits airs en duos. Paris: tous les marchands de musique; Lyon: Arnaud, ca. 1810.
Eley, Charles F. Compleat Instruction for the Bassoon or Fagotto. Dublin, ca. 1810.
Whiteley, William. The Instrumental Preceptor: Comprising Instructions for the Clarinet, Hautboy, Flute and Bassoon. Utica: Seward & Williams, 1816.
Scala für den Fagott. Augsburg: Böhm, ca. 1817. Identical to Werckmeister.
Goodale, Ezekial. The Instrumental Director. Containing Rules for All Musical Instruments in Common Use. Hallowell, ME: author, 1819. Includes brief instructions for the bassoon and a fingering chart.
Gamme de basson à neuf clefs. Mainz: B. Schott Söhne, ca. 1821-22. Later used in Küffner.
Bainbridge, William. Observations on the Cause of Imperfections in Woodwind Instruments, Particularly in German Flutes; with Remarks on the Embouchure also Remarks on Oboe, Clarionet and Bassoon Reeds. London: author, [1823].
"On the Rise and Progress of the Bassoon." Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review (1824): 188-98.
Almenräder, Carl. Traité sur le perfectionment du basson avec deux tableaux = Abhandlung über die Verbesserung des Fagotts nebst zwey Tabellen. Mainz: B. Schott Söhne, ca. 1824. English translation by Charles Koster as "A Translation of: Treatise on the Improvement of the Bassoon including Two Tables by Carl Almenräder." Journal of the International Double Reed Society14 (1986): 22-39.
Wood, George. Complete Instructions for the Alto Fagotto, An Instrument which Embraces the Sweetest & Most Admired Notes of the Clarinet & Bassoon, & Eminently Calculated to Accompany the Human Voice, or to Perform Solos & Concertos in Orchestras or Military Bands. London: author, ca. 1825.
Weber, Gottfried. "Wesentliche Verbesserungen des Fagotts." Caecilia 2 (1825): 123-40.
An Introduction to the Art of Playing the Bassoon, Illustrated with Examples Calculated to Promote the Progress of the Student. Philadelphia: G.E. Blake, 1826.
Küffner, Joseph. Principes élémentaires de la musique et gamme de basson ... oeuvre 212. Mainz, Paris & Antwerp: B. Schott Söhne, ca. 1828.
Weber, Gottfried. "C. Almenräders weiter Fagott-Verbesserung." Caecilia 9 (1828): 128ff.
Froehlich, Joseph. Systematischer Unterricht in den vorzüglichsten Orchester-Instrumenten. Zweyter Theil. Würzburg: author, 1829. Includes "Fagott-Schule," a revised version of his tutor of 1810-11.
Almenräder, Carl. "Erhaltung der Fagottröhre." Cäcilia 11 (1829): 58-62.
Bertini, Auguste. New System for Instruments and Voice. London: Longman, 1830. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Breve metodo per fagotto. Firenze: Angiolo Lucherini, ca. 1830.
Sauer, Ignaz. Neue Scala für den Fagott, für Schulen und zum Selbstunterricht. Vienna: author, ca. 1830.
Streitwolf, Gottfried. Fagott-Tabelle. Göttingen: author, ca. 1830.
Porter, William Smith. The Musical Cyclopedia. Boston: J. Loring, 1834. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Berr, Frédéric. Méthode complète de basson.Paris: J. Meissonier, 1836.
Schiltz. Méthode. Paris: Aulagnier, 1836.
Almenräder, Carl. "Doppellöcher am Fagott." Caecilia 19 (1837): 77ff.
Choron, Alexandre Etienne, and Adrien de La Fage. Nouveau manuel complet de musique. Paris: Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, 1838-39.
Blumer. Nouvelle méthode de basson. Paris: Schonenberger, 1840.
Neukirchner, Wenzel W. Theoretisch practische Anleitung zum Fagottspiel oder allgemeine Fagottschule nach dem heutigen Standpunkt der Kunst und deren Bedürfnissen.Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, 1840.
Mackintosh, George. New and Improved Bassoon Tutor. London: Z.T. Purday, ca. 1840.
Moore, John Weeks. Vocal and Instrumental Self Instructor. ca. 1840. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Fahrbach, Josef. Neueste Wiener Fagott-Schule, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf dem Selbstunterricht nach einer eigenen, ganz neuen, sehr fasslichen pracktischen Methode. Vienna: G. Diabelli, ca. 1840.
Cokken, Jean Franç ois Barthélemy. Méthode de bassoon: nouvelle édition de la méthode de F. Beer revue et augmentée, 2 vols. Paris: E. Gérard, ca. 1842. Paris: Leduc, 1851.
Almenräder, Carl. Die Kunst des Fagottblasens oder Vollständige theoretisch praktische Fagottschule = Méthode complète de basson gradué progressivement depuis les premiers élémens jusqu'au plus haut degré de perfection. Mainz: B. Schott Söhne, 1843. English translation by Ester Froese of section "On the Making of Bassoon Reeds." Journal of the International Double Reed Society8 (1980): 23-27.
Willent-Bordogni, Jean Baptiste Joseph. Grande méthode complète pour le basson. Paris: Troupenas, 1844. Gran metodo completo per fagotto, transl. N.E. Cattaneo. Milan: Ricordi, 1844. Grand and Complete Method for the Bassoon. English translation edited and published by J.R. Lafleur. London.
Nemetz, Andreas. Allgemeine Musikschule für Militair-Musik, op. 22. Vienna: Diabelli, 1844. Includes "Fagottschule."
Romero y Andia, Antonio. Metodo completo de baixon. Madrid, 1844.
Jancourt, Louis Marie Eugène. Méthode théorique et pratique pour le basson, op. 15. Paris: Richault, 1847. Subsequent editions in 1869, etc. Grand Method for the Bassoon. English translation and edition by J.R. Lafleur. London.
Hess, Wilhelm. Tabelle für gefertigte Fagotts von Wilhelm Hess. München: author, ca. 1850.
Boosé, Carl. Boosé's Improved Scale. London: T. Boosey, ca. 1850.
Moore, John Weeks. Complete Encyclopedia of Music, Elementary, Technical, Historical, Biographical, Vocal, and Instrumental. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1854. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Cornette, Victor. Méthode de basson. Paris: Gallet, 1854.
Tamplini, Giuseppe. Course of Instructions for Military Music Instruments. Book 5: Bassoon. London: Key, Rudall, Rose & Carte, 1859.
Streck, Peter. Anleitung zur Militärmusik überhaupt, und zu jedem Instrumente derselben insbesondere verfasst. ca. 1860. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Jancourt, Louis Marie Eugène. Tablature du basson perfectioné à anneaux mobiles et 19 clefs par Eug. Jancourt. Paris: Richault, ca. 1867.
Giraud, J. Frédéric. Le polycorde ou Nouvelle méthode théorique et pratique de musique vocal et de musique instrumentale. Paris: Adrien le Clerc, 1869. Includes a bassoon fingering chart.
Krakamp, Emanuele. Metodo per fagotto, op. 251. Naples: Cottrau, 1872. Milan: G. Ricordi, 1878.
Orselli, Luigi. Metodo completo per fagotto, op. 18. Torino: Giudici e Strada, ca. 1872.
Romero, Antonio. Metodo de fagót. Bilbao: Union Musical Española, ca. 1875.
Froehlich, Joseph. Fagott-Schule, neue und revidierte Auflage. Bonn & Berlin: N. Simrock, ca. 1878.
Heckel, Johann Adam. Tabelle der Fagotte von Hofinstrumentenmacher J.A. Heckel nach C. Almenräders Angabe. Modell 1879. Biebrich: author, 1879.
Hofmann, Franz Heinrich. Practische Fagottschule. Leipzig: Carl Merseburger, ca. 1880.
Kappey, J.A. Complete Tutor for the Bassoon. London: Boosey, ca. 1880.
Langey, Otto. Practical Tutor for Bassoon. London: Hawkes & Son, 1885.
Weissenborn, Julius. Praktische Fagott-Schule mit aus führlichen theoretischen Erläuterungen für Lehrer und Schüler = Practical Bassoon School with Complete Theoretical Explanations for Teacher and Pupil. Leipzig: Forberg, 1887.
Kling, Henri. Leichtfassliche praktische Schule für Fagott. Hannover: Oertel, 1887.
Mahillon, C. Scale for the Bassoon. London: author, ca. 1887.
Lange, Reinhold. Griff-Tabelle für Fagott Lange'schen System. Wiesbaden: author, 1889.
Bourdeau, Eugène. Nouvelle et grande méthode de basson. Paris: Evette et Schaeffer, 1890.
Schmidt, E.B. Praktische Fagott-Schule. Dresden: J.C. Seeling, ca. 1890.
Campbell, Robert Stuart. Scale for the Boosey & Co's Patent Bassoon (Campbell's System). London: Boosey, 1894.
Parès, P.C. Gabriel. Méthode élémentaire de basson. Paris: Henri Lemoine, 1895. Metodo de fagót. Paris: Henri Lemoine, 1899.
Satzenhofer, Jakob. Neue praktische Fagott-schule zum Selbstunterricht geeignet = Method for the Bassoon, 2 vols. Leipzig: Julius Heinrich Zimmermann, 1900.