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Instrument and Voice Guides

Tuba Music

Classification Numbers for Tuba Music

M95–M99  Tuba alone:
     M95      Collections (more than one composer)
     M96      Original works: Collections (one composer)
     M97      Original works: Separate
     M98      Arrangements: Collections (one composer)
     M99      Arrangements: Separate works
 M264–M265  Tuba with piano accompaniment:
     M264      Collections
     M265      Separate works
 M288–M289  Duets for two wind instruments (of all kinds):
     M288      Collections
     M289      Separate works
 M290–M291  Duets—one stringed and one wind instrument
 M296–M297  Duets—one wind and one plucked instrument
 M315–M319  Piano and two wind instruments
 M320–M324  Piano, one stringed, and one wind instrument
 M335–M339  Piano, one wind, and one plucked instrument
 M355–M359  Three wind instruments
 M360–M364  Three stringed and wind instruments
 M375–M379  Three wind and plucked instruments


Quartets, quintets, sextets, septets, octets, and nonets follow similar patterns (in the M400s, 500s, 600s, 700s, 800s, and 900s, respectively).For more details, see M: Music and Books on Music, available at the reference desk or at the index table in the reference section (Z696.U5 M 1998).



Concertos and similar pieces:

 M1034.T8  Tuba with orchestra, full scores
 M1034.5.T8  Cadenzas for such works
 M1035.T8  Tuba with orchestra, piano reductions
 M1134.T8  Tuba with string orchestra, full scores
 M1134.5.T8  Cadenzas for such works
 M1135.T8  Tuba with string orchestra, piano reductions



Studies and methods:

 MT480  General works
 MT482  Systems and methods
 MT483  Teaching pieces
 MT484  Instructive editions
 MT485  Studies and exercises
 MT486  Orchestral studies
 MT487  Two tubas
 MT488  Self-instructors



Not all tuba music in the Cook Music Library is out on the shelf. Please consult IUCAT to find information about music that is checked out or in the Frontlog.



Subject Headings

(for subject searches in IUCAT or WorldCat)

Solo tuba music: sonatas (tuba); suites (tuba; variations (tuba); etc.; tuba music
Tuba and piano music: rondos (tuba and piano); sonatas (tuba and piano); suites (tuba and piano); variations (tuba and piano); etc.; tuba and piano music

tuba music (tubas (2))

horn and tuba music; trumpet and tuba music; trombone and tuba music; etc.


brass trios [combinations of brass instruments] e.g.,

brass trios (horn, trombone, tuba), brass trios (tubas (3))

trios [various combinations of instruments], e.g., trios

(piano, horn, tuba), trios (piano, tuba, violin)


brass quartets [various combinations];

also suites [various combinations of brass instruments]; variations [various combinations of brass instruments]; etc.

wind quartets [mixed brass and woodwind, various combinations];

also suites, variations, etc.

Similar for quintets, sextets, septets, octets, and nonets.

Tuba and Orchestra: concertos (tuba)

concertos (tuba) — solo with piano

tuba with orchestra

rondos (tuba with orchestra), etc.



Selected Bibliography: Music, Writings

Bell, William, and R. Winston Morris. Encyclopedia of Literature for the Tuba. New York:Charles Colin, 1967. ML128.T8 B43

Gray, Harold Ross. “Music for Solo Tuba with Orchestra: A Discussion of Important Works and Annotated Bibliography.”D.M.A. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994. ML128.T8 G72

Morris, R. Winston. Tuba Music Guide. Evanston, IL: Instrumentalist Co., 1973. ML128.T8 M7

Morris, R. Winston, and Edward R. Goldstein, eds. The Tuba Source Book. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. Ref. ML128.T8



Classification Numbers for Books about the Tuba

 Ref. ML128 .T8  Tuba bibliographies
 ML970  General works
 ML971  Construction
 ML973  Music and playing



Selected Periodicals

 Brass Bulletin (1971–)  ML5.B823
 Historic Brass Society Journal (1989–)  ML1.H457
 Historic Brass Society Newsletter (1989–)  ML1.H458
 T.U.B.A. Newsletter (1976–)  ML1.T85


Selected Internet Resources

 Historic Brass Society
 Tuba Christmas