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Sanborn Index at Wells Library

Locating digitized Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Indiana


To find a particular city, use the "find" function of your browser or consult the indexes.

The year links to the IUCat record.

Where you see a hyphenated year, the first year is the original edition of the map while the second year is when the map was updated. Prior to the Great Depression, the maps were redrawn for each edition. Afterwards, to save money, they began reissuing old maps with updates. For example, Bloomington has maps dated "1927-1934." These maps were originally drawn in 1927 and reissued in 1934 with updates.

Links called "available DataCORE" indicate that you can download high-quality PDFs from IU DataCORE.

Also noted here for your convenience are maps available on microfilm. Microfilmed maps are in black and white only.

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About the scans

About these Images

The digital images were created in a joint project between Indiana University and the Historical Information Gatherers, Inc.. A 2011 IndianaView grant funded the archiving of the digital maps on the Indiana Spatial Data Portal.