Many people can get their taxes done with just a little bit of headache. But everyone's situation is different! If you need help from a human being qualified in tax preparation, try these organizations.
For Indiana residents who make under $60,000 (2023). In-person and e-filing options for both federal and state taxes available at locations on and off campus.
Federal, in-person tax help for people earning less that $64,000 (2023), who have disabilities, or who speak limited English. Available on and off campus.
The AARP foundation will help anyone, regardless of age or income, with their federal taxes so long as they are not too complicated. Program runs from February 1 through April 15. Locations off campus.
In person help at the local IRS office on 2017 S Liberty Drive. There are no age or income requirements, or limitations based on the complexity of your taxes, but you must make an appointment by phone (call 844-545-5640). If you are stuck on one or two things, you might find an answer on their "Let us help you" website, but if not, they have a help line phone number listed.