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HIST J400 Pergher

Finding the Full-Text

When you've found an article you want in OneSearch, click on the "IU Link" to see your options for accessing the full text. 

Listing of item records on OneSearch@IU search results. IU-Link button is below the listings circled in red.


If the full text is available online, you should be redirected to the entire text of the article. 

Item record on a database with "Full Text PDF" link on the right circled in red.


Sometimes, however, you'll receive a notice that this article is not available. If you see this message, write down the journal title in which the article was published (not the article title), as well as the volume and issue numbers and the date of publication. 

Citation of an item not available through IU-Link. Circled in red are: year of publication, journal title, and volume and issue numbers.


Go to the libraries homepage and type in the journal title in the main search box. Be sure to select the "Journals" option in the dropdown menu. 

Searching for source journal of an item using the search bar on the IU Libraries homepage.


If the journal appears in the results list, click on the title to see the library's holdings. 

IUCAT search result of the journal


On the record page, check the holdings to make sure that the specific journal volume and issue number you need is available. This particular journal is available in print at the Auxiliary Library Facility ("ALF", the libraries' storage facility), so you would need to request to have the journal delivered from the ALF to the Wells Library. 

IUCAT holdings record of the journal. The "Request This" button on the right is circled in red.


All that you need to do is fill out a request form (you may be asked to log in with your IU credentials first). Select the particular volume you need, and since this journal is at the ALF, we'll select the "Request ALF Item" button. Then you're all set!

ALF request form