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Herman B Wells: Alternate Reality Game

Welcome to the landing page for the April 2022 Alternate Reality Game at Herman B Wells Library

Welcome, IU Sleuths!

Herman B Wells: Alternate Reality Game

April 1 - April 30, 2022

Self-Directed Program

As a result of participating in the Herman B Wells Alternate Reality Game, students will be able to identify at least 2 services the library offers and the locations where they are provided. Framed as a mystery where you will learn Herman B Wells well-kept secret. You'll go through a series of missions and locate clues until you finally unlock the secret. Upon completion, you can complete a survey to be entered to win a prize valued at $75-$100. One of the clues is located on this very cyberspace page. Though I couldn't make you locate it... I assure you it's around here somewhere. 

Shhhhh... You almost spilled the beans about the makerspace. 

How to Participate:

  1. Go to your starting point in the Herman B Wells Lobby
  2. Follow each clue and complete your missions
  3. Fill out completion survey to be entered for prize