The Media School Video Game Periodical Collection includes more than 4300 catalogs and magazines related to various aspects of games and gaming, with special emphasis on video and computer games, computer programming, and home video formats and equipment. The collection is comprised of two accessions of print materials gifted to IU by Stony Brook University Libraries and The Strong National Museum of Play in 2016 and 2018, respectively. These collections were brought to IU through Media School professor Dr. Raiford Guins, who is a leading expert on video game history and preservation. Notable items include complete runs or strong representation from the following publications: Antic, The Atari Resource, Amiga World, DieHard GameFan, EGM2, Game Developer, GamePro, Next Generation, Nintendo Power, and the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine. Collection is described to the item-level.
To learn more about this collection, and browse its contents, please consult the finding aid in Archives Online. Access is administered through the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA), and you can contact them if you would like to work with and use these materials.