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SPEA V450 Homelessness

Instructor: Littlepage

How to Search Literature Databases

Databases like Business Source Complete, ABI/INFORM, Factiva, and Nexis Uni allow you to search for articles from magazines, journals, newspaper and more. They are sometimes called literature databases or aggregators. They provide powerful search mechanisms, but do not work like Google, so you have to approach them in the right way. Here are tips to help you get the most out of these useful resources.


Brainstorm search terms.

What are you trying to learn about? How might authors refer to that?

You can search for articles about "cats," but if an article only refers to them as "kitties" or "felines," you will miss those articles, even though they are about your topic. Think of as many synonyms and related terms as you can. You might not need them all, but it's good to be prepared.

Don't search by asking a question, search using concepts.

If you want to know how package design affects consumers' buying patterns,

DON'T type   How does package design affect consumers' buying patterns?

DO type   "package design" AND consumer AND purchase

Use filters to narrow your results..
Databases like Business Source Complete, ABI/INFORM and Nexis Uni let you refine your search results by limiting to a certain period of time, type of publication, language, and more. This keeps you from having to dig through things that are too old to be useful, not in a language you can read, etc.
Look beyond the first page of results..
The database doesn't know what you're trying to do, so don't believe it when it says the results are sorted by relevance. The things you're looking for may be on the 4th or 5th page of results (or beyond) and it's worth the extra couple of minutes to check: Fast isn't always efficient.
Search in the right place..
There are generalist databases, like Academic Search Premier and JSTOR, that have a little bit of everything, and discipline-specific databases that only deal with business (or psychology or education ...) If you need in-depth business information, a business-focused database is best.
Use AND, OR, NOT and quotation marks to make your search more precise..
  • Use AND between concepts to make sure all the concepts are included in your search.
  • Use OR between synonyms to search for all the variations on that concepts. (Put parentheses around groups of synonyms as shown below.)
  • Use NOT to ban articles that contain a specific word.
  • Use quotes for concepts that are denoted by more than one word: "tax law" "child labor" "United States."

Download a version of these tips here:

Search Strategy Builder

Search Strategy Builder

The Search Strategy Builder is a tool designed to teach you how to create a search string using Boolean logic. While it is not a database and is not designed to input a search, you should be able to cut and paste the results into most databases’ search boxes.

Concept 1 and Concept 2 and Concept 3
Name your concepts here.
Search terms Search terms Search terms
List alternate terms for each concept.

These can be synonyms, or they can be specific examples of the concept.

Use single words, or "short phrases" in quotes













Now, cut and paste the results into the search box of a library database (or Google).
The Search Strategy Builder was developed by the University of Arizona Libraries and is used under a Creative Commons License.

Using Databases Remotely

Help with Specific Databases

These videos provide more information about how to navigate and search within specific databases. Where possible, we've embedded the video here, but there are also videos available from within some of the databases themselves. Follow the instructions to access them.



Simply Analytics

 See also the Intro to Simply Analytics video under the Support tab in the upper right hand corner of the database's landing screen:

Creating a demographic profile is one quick and easy way to use Simmons Insights. See how to create one in this video/    


 See more videos under the Help tab in the upper right hand corner of the database's landing screen