Retired IU Faculty, 1985This project consists of fifteen interviews with former professors of Indiana University. Each interviewee discusses his or her childhood, education, career progression, time at Indiana University, and thoughts on retirement. In addition, most professors comment on the tension, rivalry, friendship, strength, and upward mobility within their respective university departments. The Great Depression and World War II are also widely discussed with regard to the impact they had on the interviewees' careers. The results of this project were published in a book, Academic Memories: Retired Faculty Members Recall the Past at Indiana University , by Hanna Griff, Mary Deane Sorcinelli, and Joan Zirker.
In particular see the following interviews:
-Eikerman, Alma R. April 8, 1985
-Gaither, Mary E. February 9, 1985
-Lundin, Charles L. February 15, 1985
-Piercy, Josephine April 7, 1985