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COLL C104 Opinions, Beliefs, and Truth: Psychology & Neuroscience

This guide provides information about library services and specific resources to support learning about topics within psychology and neuroscience.

File Storage

Microsoft OneDrive are great places to store and share files. IU has limited storage capacity in Google Drive, so OneDrive would be your best option for file storage.

Tools to Get the Job Done

  • IUWare offers software to support your research and learning. Adobe products, Microsoft Suite (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.), Endnote (citation mangagement), and many others are available free to download

  • IUanyWare allows IU affiliates to run IU-certain software applications without having to install them on your computer. 

Writing Tutorial Services

Writing Tutorial Service (WTS) tutors can benefit IU Bloomington students with any writing background on any type of academic writing, including:

  • Brainstorming

  • Outlining

  • Grammar

  • Content

  • Formatting

  • Revising

Students are encouraged to come in with specific questions at any stage of the writing process.

Appointments can be scheduled here.

Newspaper Subscriptions

IU Libraries provides subscription access to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal

Each require a quick one-time activation using your IU email address – then you can access all content from a web browser or via smartphone and tablet apps from any location. (Your access will need to be renewed periodically - more information about this is included within the links above).

Plotter Printing

Need to print a research poster? 

The Wells Library has a large-format plotter (for prints up to 36" wide and 108" long) on the fourth floor of the West Tower. Both matte and satin paper are available.

As a student at Indiana University Bloomington, you can use the plotter to print large-format posters for both academic and personal use.

Information about hours, cost, and preparing to print can be found here: