These resources are helpful when searching for information broadly to find out more about a topic or when a research question is multi-disciplinary. These databases are best to start with when you begin information seeking.
Provides full-text coverage of magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles for most academic disciplines.
Special version of Google's index to scholarly content on the web. Connects to full-text resources available to IU users.
A citation database of peer-reviewed academic journal articles.
These databases provide information specific to the field of psychology. PsycINFO is one of the most popular psychology databases IU Libraries has access to, but there are plenty of other tools listed below.
Access to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science, social sciences, and mental health fields. Produced by the American Psychological Association
This collection offers streaming videos which show actual psychotherapy sessions, and experts discuss their thoughts behind their interventions.
Psychological Experiments Online
Psychological Experiments Online is a multimedia collection that synthesizes psychological experiments of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Online access to psychiatric textbooks, journals, and professional development tools. Includes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders fifth edition
Survey & Instrument Resources
APA PsycTests
Produced by the American Psychological Association, this database provides access to thousands of test instruments, most of which are available for immediate download and use in teaching and research.
PhenX Toolkit
The PhenX Toolkit (consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures) provides recommended standard data collection protocols for conducting biomedical research. The protocols are selected by Working Groups of domain experts using a consensus process, which includes the scientific community. The Toolkit provides detailed protocols for collecting data and tools to help investigators incorporate these protocols into their studies. Using protocols from the PhenX Toolkit facilitates cross-study analysis, potentially increasing the scientific impact of individual studies. PhenX is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).
PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System)
PROMIS® (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) is a set of person-centered measures that evaluates and monitors physical, mental, and social health in adults and children. It can be used with the general population and with individuals living with chronic conditions.
Data analysis resource for social science researchers and students. Includes access to 13.5 billion U.S. and international datasets from over 90 sources. Users can manipulate datasets, compare multiple indicators and sources, chart trends over time, and map data on a single interface, as well as create customizable visualizations of the data.
Are you interested in seeing all resources available through IU Libraries? Check out the A-Z list:
The Indiana University online catalog. Find books, magazines, journals, movies, sound recordings, government publications, digital collections, and more.
Things to keep in mind:
E-Books can only be accessed if the link says "IU Bloomington" or "All Campus Access"
Request delivery allows you to borrow books from other campuses or branch libraries (Education, Neal-Marshall, etc.) and have books delivered to one convenient location. You can request delivery once you are logged into IUCAT.
Renewing books is as simple as logging into IUCAT and clicking "My Account" and "Renew."
Trade publications are neither considered academic or popular; they are resources written for those who work in a specific industry. These publications tend to publish news, statistics, trends and other information relevant to their industry. Authors can be staff editors, journalists, practitioners or academics in the field. They made be published by trade or professional associations. Articles may be short and may not include references, or not nearly as many references as scholarly journal articles.
Examples of trade publications include:
Monitor on Psychology
The Psychologist
The Scientific Mind
Some databases offer Trade Publications as a format. You can select this format to limit results. This image is from OneSearch@IU, one of the interdisciplinary databases provided by the libraries.
Can't find what you're looking for? Luckily Document Delivery Services (DDS) and Inter-Library (ILL) Loan can help!
Articles and books from other non-IU libraries can be borrowed for free. Articles will be digitally sent as PDF files to your email and books are delivered and picked up from Wells Library.
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