Original industry and company reports based on published research and primary and secondary data sources.
MarketLine offers a collection of company, industry, financial, product and country information, research and data extending over all major marketplaces and industries. A searchable online business information service using published desk research and secondary data sources to create three different types of profiles. Company profiles include company overviews, business descriptions, company history, executive listings, product listings, locations, news, and commentary. Industry profiles contain: 5-year historical and 5-year forecast market values and/or volumes; market segmentations; company and/or product market shares; explanatory text identifying major trends and significant growth points; and analysis of each market's competitive landscape, including main players, distribution channels, and regulatory issues. Each country profile includes a description of the country's economic performance and GDP, an assessment of its potential for development, and detailed market and industry analysis of the country's business environment. Profiles are supplemented by a "news & comment" section.
Database of corporate information covering over 22,000 US and foreign public companies. Includes access to Investext reports written by analysts at investment banks, brokerage houses, and consulting firms. Reports cover financials and analysis on companies and select industries.
Access to U.S. Company Data and International Company Data. Allows users to access reports on companies based around the world, searching by company name or ticker symbol, or searching across all global boundaries to find companies that match specific financial and/or textual search criteria. Also includes detailed information, such as history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt, and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form and in native currencies.
Integrates business and financial information from data providers throughout the world.
Includes information on more than 170 million businesses, both public and private, around the world; including the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and emerging markets.
The Value Line Investment Survey is a unique source of financial information designed to help investors make informed investment decisions that fit their individual goals and levels of risk. It forecasts stock price performance over the next six to 12 months; is a source of interpretative analysis of approximately 1,700 individual stocks and approximately 100 industries; and is a source of historical information that helps investors spot ends.
Use this database to locate financial information about large and mid-cap U.S. public companies, including historical financials and forecasted projections, market performance, analyst consensus, beta, key ratios, business description, and commentary on current operations and future prospects. Also includes one page reports for each industry group.
Our subscription includes:
•The Value Line Investment Survey
•The Value Line Investment Survey – Small and Mid-Cap Edition
•The Value Line Fund Advisor - PLUS
•The Value Line Daily Options Survey
•The Value Line Special Situations Service
•The Value Line Convertibles Survey
PLEASE NOTE: INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION WITH AN OFFICIAL INDIANA UNIVERSITY EMAIL ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS RESOURCE. PrivCo is a source for business and financial data on major, non-publicly traded corporations, including family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies.
Detailed business and consumer data on businesses in both the U.S. and Canada. Includes directory information, health care, and residential listings. Search by company name, geographic area, business type, SIC code, yellow page listing, revenue, location, number of employees or any combination of the above. In addition to address and phone number, each entry includes officer names and titles, corporate affiliation, business type and size of yellow page advertising. Toll free and fax numbers are given for some companies.
Global credit ratings, research, and risk analysis; nearly 9 million credit ratings on approximately 45,000 issuers across the globe; over 350,000 research and commentary articles.
Available for IU Bloomington-affiliated users only. Requires individual registration for access using iu.edu email account. To sign up, select “New User?”.
Standard & Poor's global credit ratings, research, and risk analysis; nearly 9 million credit ratings on approximately 45,000 issuers across the globe; over 350,000 research and commentary articles. Content is now available via the S&P Capital IQ platform. Use the RatingsDirect tab for access.
Who creates company information?
Company information is generated by a variety of entities and comes in different formats. The company itself is an obvious source of information (e.g., company website, SEC filings, press releases, etc.), but outside parties also gather and publish company information (e.g., newspaper and trade articles, analyst reports, etc.). Some company information cannot be obtained freely online (which is why we pay for company-focused databases). A lot of company information is proprietary (e.g., product level sales, manufacturing processes, etc.) and can not be found at all.
Public Companies:
A public company has sold a portion of the business to the public via an IPO (initial public offering) and offers securities (e.g., stocks, shares, bonds, loans, etc.) for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange or over-the-counter market.
Domestic, public companies must file financial statements with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and issue annual reports. A current annual reports can typically be found on a company's website. In addition, public companies tend to be written about more in the business and popular press. These factors lead to large amounts of company financial and business information being made available to the public and outside parties.
A ticker symbol (example: Apple Inc. = AAPL) is an abbreviation used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock on a stock exchange. A good way to find a ticker symbol is to use Google (search: Apple ticker). Many library databases can be searched by ticker symbol, which can lead to a more precise set of search results.
Private Companies:
Ownership of a private company is held by a handful of people, often the founder and a few others. Private companies typically do not file financial statements with the SEC or disclose a lot of information to avoid leaking secrets to competitors. For these reasons, researching a private company is more challenging. You usually will not find extensive financial information for private companies. A current, annual sales or sales volume figure is the statistic most often reported. You may need to accept a revenue range or estimate or even inferred revenue based on information known or presumed. Depending on size, there is usually less published about private companies. For smaller, private companies much of the information that can be found is produced by the company itself.
Research a private company by:
A subsidiary is a company that is completely or partly owned and wholly controlled by another company. A parent company is a company that owns enough voting stock in another firm to control management and operations. Often financial data and other information for a subsidiary is limited and/or wrapped up with parent company information. You will want to look at both parent and subsidiary to obtain a complete picture. The Corporate Affiliations database linked below provides information on company hierarchies and some subsidiary data: