Writing Tutorial Services (WTS) offers students one-on-one help with any phase of the writing process—from brainstorming to revising the final draft. When you visit WTS, you'll find a tutor who is a sympathetic and helpful reader of your prose.
WTS can help you:
Writing Tutorial Services is located in Wells Library on the first floor of the West Tower (Learning Commons). In order to schedule a consultation, you can find a link through the WTS homepage, or click this link to go directly to the scheduler. If this is your first time using the service, you'll need to register. Then you will be able to choose from available times.
The Research Desk, located in the Learning Commons, can help you at any stage of an assignment or information seeking process. The Desk is staffed by Research Assistants who are specially trained to listen and help you use and navigate the Libraries’ resources and collections. They can work with you on a number of research-related topics, including:
Consultations can be scheduled in advance or on a drop-in basis, both in-person and virtually. Research Assistants can also help you identify and prepare to meet with other services, like Writing Tutorial Services. You can learn more about hours and availability at the Research Desk calendar.