Below are some suggestions to help you search for research materials in library databases. While this guide demonstrates how to search for sources in OneSearch, these tips can be used in any of the library's databases.
Remember that doing research involves some trial and error - if your first search doesn't turn up what you're looking for, that's okay! Use some of the tips provided below and experiment with different search words until you find something that works.
To access OneSearch, scroll down to the bottom of the libraries' homepage and select the OneSearch@IU link.
On the OneSearch homepage, choose the advanced search option.
Enter your search terms. Use "AND" to search for more than one word or phrase, and use "OR" to search for multiple words with similar meanings. Try just one or two terms to start out - you can always add more if your initial results are too broad.
Quickly browse through the results list to see the kinds of materials that your search brought up.
If you get a large number of results, or don't see the kinds of sources you want, check out the column on the left for different ways to narrow your search.
If you find something you like, click on the title to see more information, and to see your options for accessing the full text.
If the document is available in full-text, you should be redirected to the entire document when you click on the "IU link" shown above.
Sometimes, however, you'll get this notice. Don't worry - you can try to search for the journal in which the article was published in IUCAT, in our Full-Text E-Journal tool, or you can contact the libraries for help.