Local newspaper for Bloomington, Indiana, and surrounding communities. Users may access the E-Edition of the HTO here.
Additional access options: access to content 1988-Present (with a slight lag time for new issues) is available via Access World News.
Provides access to streaming video of 60 Minutes, the CBS television news program.
Online collection of 500 hours of video from 18 years of broadcasts. Each news segment within the collection serves as a standalone short documentary on a specific news topic. Also includes 175 hours of bonus segments from the CBS News program Sunday Morning.
Provides full-text coverage of magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles for most academic disciplines.
This multi-disciplinary database provides full-text for more than 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,700 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
Includes electronic editions of hundreds of large and small U.S. newspapers and titles worldwide.
Source types include print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos. Offers coverage at local, regional, national and international levels. Covers a range of disciplines, including political science, journalism, English, history, environmental studies, sociology, economics, education, business, health, and social sciences. Enables researchers to track subjects geographically and over time, analyze trends and statistics.
Alt-PressWatch is a fulltext database of alternative and independent newspapers, magazines and journals that present viewpoints that differ from mainstream media coverage of issues and events.
Bibliographic database of journal, newspaper, and magazine articles from international alternative, radical, and leftist periodicals.
Focus is on the practice and theory of socialism, national liberation, labor, Indigenous Peoples, LGBT, feminism, ecology, democracy, and anarchism.
Alternative Press Index Archive offers both international and interdisciplinary coverage of a variety of alternative sources, indexing information on topics of cultural, economic, political and social change.
Focus is on the practice and theory of socialism, national liberation, labor, Indigenous peoples, LGBT, feminism, ecology, democracy, and anarchism.
Regional, national and international business, financial, banking and industry publications.
Provides access to peer-reviewed business journals, covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance, and more. Indexing and abstracts and full text are available back as far as 1886.
Full-text database of leading Russian and English newspapers published since 1997 in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
Education Week is a collocation of news materials on education in the United States, including articles from Education week and Teacher magazine AP newswire stories, blogs, white papers, etc. (OCLC)
Articles from newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press in America; full text and searchable in English and Spanish
Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) features newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. With titles dating from 1990, ENW presents a comprehensive, full-text collection of nearly 1.6 million articles from more than 280 publications offering both national and regional coverage. While the content may mirror mainstream media coverage, the viewpoints are decidedly unique.
Ethnic NewsWatch delivers hundreds of ethnocentric publications. The voices of the Asian American, Jewish, African American, Native American, Arab American, Eastern European, and multi-ethnic communities can be heard. Titles include New York Amsterdam News, Asian Week, Jewish Exponent, Seminole Tribune, and many more. A majority of this content is exclusive to ENW and not available in any other database.
Provides full-text access to national and international newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich websites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, and historical market data.
Independent Voices is a series of digital collections of the alternative press that are complete runs of newspapers, magazines, and journals drawn from special collections of leading academic libraries.
These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Indexing, full-text and images of Spanish-language magazines and pamphlets.
Spanish thesaurus and interface. Searching in both Spanish and English. Bilingual citations. A collection of Hispanic magazines with full text. Covers business, health, technology, culture, current topics and other subjects. Cubre necesidades de información para todas las disciplinas académicas. Desde economía, ciencia y tecnología, psicología, educación, hasta arqueología, historia, literatura y más. Contiene revistas académicas de toda Iberoamérica.
Keesing's Online is an authoritative monthly digest of worldwide political, diplomatic and economic affairs.
Keesing’s World News Archive contains articles detailing world events and international developments. The archive begins in 1931 as Keesing’s Contemporary Archives (1931-1987) and continues as Keesing’s Record of World Events from 1987 to the present. Events covered include government changes, war, treaties, appointments, diplomatic initiatives, international agreements, security, legislation, budgets, natural disasters, environmental issues, and scientific discoveries.
Archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune wire service, from 90-days ago to the present.
Full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes newspapers, newswires and news magazines, as well as television and radio news transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Provides selected full text for 25 national (U.S.) including the Bloomington Herald Times, and international newspapers. The database also contains full text television & radio news transcripts, and selected full text for more than 200 regional (U.S.) newspapers. Includes cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for articles in the following major newspapers beginning in January 1, 1995:
Coverage includes everything except obituaries (exclusive of famous people), sports tables, ads/classifieds, stock prices, and weather.
Provides access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis.
This collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. The index to the full text content in EBSCO Newswires is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO.
Includes articles from local, regional, national and international newspapers, magazines, online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs, transcripts, and legal research, as well as federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790. Also includes access to Nexis Dossier.
Comprehensive coverage of news and current events, government, business, medical, and legal topics, as well as general reference information is included. Formats found in Nexis Uni are: international and domestic newspapers, magazines and trade journals, broadcast transcripts (NPR, ABC News, CBS News, and CNN), company financial information, industry and market news, federal and state case law, law reviews, medical news and abstracts, and state and country profiles. Includes business information on over 80 million U.S. and international companies and 75 million executives. Non-English language news sources are available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. Campus news from some 400 college/university papers and over 50 wire services are also available.
To access Nexis Dossier select "Business" (near the bottom of the Nexis Uni homepage). Then select "Create a Company List" in the Company Dossier box.
The Universal Database of Central Asia and Caucasus (UDB-CAC) includes a number of periodicals published in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The sources are mostly in Russian and English and cover various issues of domestic and international importance.
Digital archive of historical newspapers. Each issue of each title includes the complete paper, cover-to-cover, with full-page and article images.
A database of articles from popular U.S. and Canadian periodicals on current events, news, popular culture and many other topics.
Abstracts, articles and images from over 480 publications. Subject coverage is wide-ranging, including news and entertainment, book and movie reviews, health, sports, politics, and consumer information.
Provides comprehensive full text coverage of 75 regional business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Includes full-text for more than 100 business publications, with full-text coverage dating back to 1990. Includes such titles as: Business North Carolina, Crain's New York Business (and other Crain Communications editions), Des Moines Business Record, Enterprise Salt Lake City, Fort Worth Business Press, Orange County Business Journal, Westchester County Business Journal, etc.
Provides online access to over 800,000 articles from the Russian press in both English and Russian.
The scope of chronological coverage varies from title to title, spanning from 2 to 16 years (Izvestiia). It is not only a retrospective archival database but also a current news service, incorporating the current issues almost simultaneously as the print issues come out.
Full text access to mainstream South African news publications, from 1978 to present day. Includes 4.5 million articles. An average of 2500 new articles are added weekly.
Indexes evening broadcasts from ABC, ABC Nightline, CBS, CNN, NBC and PBS. Online video is available for CNN news broadcasts from 1999 to the present.
The world's most available, extensive and complete archive of major network television news. The database currently includes 725,000 records, including abstracts at the story level of regular evening news and special news program. These broadcasts cover presidential press conferences and political campaigns, national and international events such as the Watergate hearings, the plight of American hostages in Iran, the Persian Gulf war, and the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. All broadcasts are copyright protected for class and research use. The database will list results of individual story-level records. From each of these records you can press the button to display the listing of the entire program. Online video is available for CNN news broadcasts from 1999 to the present, as indicated by the Video clip available. You can request complete programs or compilations of selected items to be copied onto videotape. The news archive charges a fee to recover the cost of providing this service.
Provides access to current and archived news content. Includes newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
Also includes a collections of local and regional newspapers, cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.
World News Conenction is translated news from overseas sources.
WNC contains materials provided by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). Reports are full text, English translations of foreign news sources and information. Many of the materials are copyrighted. For earlier and additional information, consult ET2 (East Tower 2) staff. Back issues of the FBIS Daily Reports are on Microfiche, in the ET2: Government Information, Maps and Microform Services (IUB Herman B Wells Library 2nd Floor). Email: libgpd@indiana.edu. IUB has subscribed to the full text product from Readex. Content will be added through 2009 and covers 1974-1995.
Provides summaries of domestic and international news stories 1940-present. Covers major political, social, and economic events, including elections, wars and conflicts, and government and civics information. Maps and charts are included, as are graphs, historic photographs, and story indexes by decade, country, and topic.
A collection of historical newspapers from around the globe.
World Newspaper Archive is a fully-searchable collection of historical newspapers from around the globe. It was created in partnership with the Center for Research Libraries- one of the world's largest and most important newspaper repositories.
Access to all issues of the newspaper Za vozvrashchenie na Rodinu (Return to Motherland) from its very first issue in April of 1955 to 1960.
The newspaper Za vozvrashchenie na Rodinu (Return to Motherland) was established in April 1955 in East Berlin as a biweekly publication. The newspaper was published by the Soviet Repatriation Committee, which was also established in 1955 and stayed active until 1958. The newspaper was principally aimed at Russian emigrants and was an important anti-western propaganda outlet for the USSR. The main objective of the newspaper was the creation of a favorable image of the Soviet Union and the criticism of émigré organizations in the post-war period and during the Cold War. The newspaper was published under the watchful eye of the KGB, and only the most loyal Soviet officials were allowed to work on this project. Starting with 1960: issue 04, the newspaper's name was changed to Golos Rodiny (The Voice of the Motherland).