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MSCH R429 Public Relations Campaigns Influenza Vaccination Awareness

Instructor: Kang

Flu Vaccination Data and News

You can search all three of the databases below at the same time by choosing any one of them and clicking the "Choose Databases" link above the search box and selecting the others from the popup window that appears. Click OK and then search as usual.

Search phrases like these will help you locate research on PR campaigns and public attitudes about flu vaccines:

(flu or influenza) and (vaccin* or immunization) and outreach
(flu or influenza) and (vaccin* or immunization) and (advertising or "public relations")
(flu or influenza) and (vaccin* or immunization) and (perception or opinion or attitude)
(flu or influenza) and (vaccin* or immunization) and campaign

Be sure to look past the first page of search results. Databases don't know what you're trying to do, so when they say they've sorted things by relevance, don't believe them; the best things are probably not on the first page.

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