SHAARD Database
  • Resource available without restriction
SHAARD Database
  • Resource available without restriction

Alternate Name(s):
Indiana State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database
Permitted Uses:
Interlibrary Loan: Not Permitted
Terms of Use: Terms of Use
Simultaneous User Limit:
unlimited simultaneous users


Allows users to search information on known historic resources throughout Indiana. The data contained in SHAARD was collected from previously conducted cultural resource inventories, National and State Registers listings, research projects, and cultural resource management project reports. PLEASE NOTE: access to some information is restricted. To access to archaeological site locations and detailed site information users need to select "request a SHAARD account" to obtain a login. Users may also "enter SHAARD as a guest" to access without registering.

More Info

Includes data from the IHSSI (County Survey Program), the Indiana Cemetery and Burial Ground Registry, historic bridges, properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, properties listed in the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures, and historic theaters in Indiana. There is also a GIS component to SHAARD, where users can search the database using the mapping program.
