Linguistic Data Consortium
  • Resource available to authorized IU Bloomington users (on or off campus) This link opens in a new window
Linguistic Data Consortium
  • Resource available to authorized IU Bloomington users (on or off campus) This link opens in a new window

Alternate Name(s):
Permitted Uses:
Interlibrary Loan: Not Permitted
Terms of Use: Terms of Use
Simultaneous User Limit:
Unlimited simultaneous users

INDIVIDUAL USER ACCOUNT REQUIRED TO DOWNLOAD DATA. SELECT "MORE" FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Access to data on language technology research and development. Please note: the IUB Libraries maintains a membership to LDC. IUB users may request the Libraries purchase a dataset by submitting a purchase request form with the relevant details.

More Info
  • Go to:
  • Select “Create a new account”
  • Review the Terms and Conditions and click “Accept”
  • Fill out the New User Registration > be sure to enter “Indiana University” in the Organization field
  • The Libraries’ will receive a notice to confirm the status of the registrant; the registrant will receive a notice once they have been recognized as a member of Indiana University
  • The registrant will receive an additional email, "Linguistic Data Consortium Confirmation instructions" requesting that they confirm their account email. The registrant must click on this link to complete the setup of their account. NOTE: This email may be filtered into email junk/spam folders.
  • Navigate to “Downloads”, and initiate a download of the desired dataset to your personal computer

    Access is only for content licensed by IUB. Includes, but is not limited to, the following datasets: Korean Telephone Conversations Complete Set ; Korean Broadcast News Speech ; Korean Treebank Annotations Version 2.0 ; Korean Newswire Second Edition ; Korean Broadcast News Transcripts ; Chinese Treebank ; CALLHOME Mandarin Chinese Transcripts ; Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English ; CALLHOME Spanish Speech ; ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English ; NUBUC ; Chinese Gigaword Fifth Edition ; Penn Korean Universal Dependency Treebank ; Mixer 3 Speech ; LORELEI Zulu Representative Language Pack, Samromur Queries Icelandic Speech 1.0.